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~*~Chat transcripts~*~

well....they KINDA messed with his words in this thing!? hehe! umm...o well! its basically the same! haha

Michael Fredo: I'm so excited to hear from everybody.

chaosjc: I love your music, you are awesome, is there a fan that did something that made them stick out in your mind and you can't forget them?

Michael Fredo:To make a long story short, I let her come back to my tour bus and I gave her t-shirts and my phone number. I was doing commercials for Gitano jeans, and Britney was doing the same, and we just kinda met. Can I say one thing? I'm so happy that you guys are here, hanging out with me tonight!

female_14_4_u: I just got your single this time around and I wanna know what that means to you

Michael Fredo:It's about an ex-girlfriend, my friend wrote the song about me. Two years ago I had broken up with my girlfriend. They used it for the Gitano jeans thing. I don't know if I've changed my ways.

LIZardGS: How does it feel having your song used in a Tommy Hilfiger ad?

Michael Fredo:The song used was basically, it was cool for me, it was kind of having a video before having an actual video. That was shot right before the tour, around June 20th. The first time I saw it, I turned around really fast and knocked a lamp off the table, and it smashed on the floor.

foxlee51: Hi Michael, I think you are terrific! I just wanted to know what you think of all these boy bands out now and how you think music will or should change in the future. Keep The Youth Quake Rockin'! Luv Ya Lots!

Michael Fredo:First, I love you too. I love all those dudes from n'sync. We're all kinda just in the same realm of everything, around the same age. Me being 20, it's kind of easier. I come from a different sort of school for singing, but we all come from the same kinda background. I was born a rocker, y'know what I mean. I grew up on the Rolling Stones and The Doors, that rock and roll kinda thing. I was afraid at first, before anything came out, that people wouldn't like me. The sound on the record gradually evolves from a seed to a flower.

crunked_kell: If you were in a desert and could only have 3 things, what would they be?

Michael Fredo:If I was in the desert, and I only had three things: number one: Marvin Gaye "lets' get it on" cd, #2: pineapple, cuz I eat it all day long., Number 3: Tommy. (takes shirt off) My life has stayed the same, I still do the same things. But my life has changed by way of my singing and being on magazine covers, but I try to keep my head steady.

dcorbell: "Do you really wear Tommy Hilfiger clothes?"

Michael Fredo:Yeah. Other than being my uncle, he helped me understand the business. It's really cool to be the first artist on the label. We're both interested in each other's thing. They know my voice, they've heard it for so long. Quincy Jones, my executive producer, has been very helpful. Michael Jackson, Bjork, Bette Midler, I listen to all of them.

WildChild1713: Do you have an internet site?

Michael Fredo:I do have a web site, there's a lot of different sites. Try

nsyncerlance4: This is going to sound very funny, but were you on a televised concert with Britney Spears and Nsync?

Michael Fredo:No, that was not me. That's my friend who plays with us some times, Michael Africk.

funnyfunnybunny: what do u like to do for fun?

Michael Fredo:I like to eat candy. Drink a lot of coca-cola, coffee in the morning. I like to have a lot of fun. I like to sing rock n' roll. I like sculpting, I like animals a lot. I have a chinchilla somewhere.

mikefredoisastud: Do you have any secret celebrity crushes?

Michael Fredo:Nope. Working with Britney was a lot of fun. Every show we'd be back stage, hangin' around.

mikefredoisastud: Do you ever go online and chat in disguise?

Michael Fredo:Yeah, only twice. I have a code name, it's candy882000. I go on Sonicnet.

crookways_15: What is your favorite song on the album ?

Michael Fredo:My favorite song is #7, "Everybody Wants Me." It's about a mystical journey. The music really takes you on a ride, it's called "Everybody Wants Her." It's just a lot of fun.

cerge asks: "I'd like to ask Michael what advice would he give to someone who's trying to become a singer?"

Michael Fredo:Just, sing your ass off. Always remember to warm up and warm down, before you sing. Make sure your voice doesn't hurt before you sing. Singing for a lot of people, important people, call 2121-555-1877, ask for Stephanie, she'll take down all your information.

crunked_kell : Do you still keep in touch with Britney Spears now that the tour is over?

Michael Fredo:On and off I see her, but we're so busy, in different directions, it's really hard to keep in touch. No, I don't have a girlfriend.

dynamissfc: Hey, Mike! I love you a lot... Guess what? I named my puppy after you... what are your pets names? (my adorable lil' puppy is named Fredo)

Michael Fredo:I have two love birds, Luigi and Mario. My fish, I didn't name, that's about it.

babyblues9999 : What were you like in high school?

Michael Fredo:I was a jokester, hitting my head on lockers and stuff, got in trouble sometimes, but I was friends with the teachers, so it was fun. It was cool. Macaulay Culkin and Christina Ricci and kids from Nickelodeon went to school with me. I sang classical. Guns N' Roses, Marvin Gaye.

SpankSupersonic: So, Tommy Boy named Michael, what's your email address?

Michael Fredo:My email address is, I don't even have a computer, I don't know. I use my friends' computers. The fan club is called the First Unofficial Michael Fredo Fanclub. Log on to


Michael Fredo:That's so funny. I'm just a singer. It's so funny, how people say, "when are you gonna start modeling?" I've been modeling for Tommy for three years, and I'm more of a spokesperson than a model.

buggy99_1999: would you ever date a fan?

Michael Fredo:Of course. (laughing) I just can't have a girlfriend right now. I love girls, I've tried it. I fall for girls so much. If I fall in love with a girl, it's gets obscured by my music. I go on dates, I just can't kiss a girl right now, because I'll get attached. Maybe just a little kiss.

Five_Fanatic_4_Ever: what's your idea of the perfect date?

Michael Fredo:My perfect date would be in Maui at the beach, with my guitar, just singing, drinking Hawaiian Punch. Maui's awesome.

mikefredoisastud: What's one word you would use to describe yourself?

Michael Fredo:Rebellious and adventurous, one word, I don't know.

Modestiee_1: Do you read and Keep the mail that fans hand you when they meet you? Michael Fredo:I keep all the letters, thank you so much. I don't read all the fan letters, but I would like to. Yeah, I get a lot.

girleee_18_99: What's your favorite TV show?

Michael Fredo:My favorite TV show would probably be, I dunno, I don't watch much TV, The Discovery Channel. A&E Biography. I read sometimes. Some Ernest Hemingway. Books on Marvin Gaye.

babyblues9999 : What do you like better singing or modeling?

Michael Fredo:I love singing way better than modeling. I model just to promote my music career. I'm always singing when I'm modeling.

crunked_kell: What's your favorite kind of ice cream?

Michael Fredo:Chocolate Peanut Butter. Hagen Daazs.

limitedtoo55: What's your middle name?

limitedtoo55 : Do you play any instruments on your album?

Michael Fredo:I play guitar. Bass on "Everybody Wants It." BTW my middle name is Anthony. I've been playing guitar for six years. I never took lessons, I just played.

crunked_kell: Do you have any siblings?

Michael Fredo:Siblings, yeah, I have one brother, in North Carolina, his name Is Joe Fredo. He's a year younger than me. He likes Hockey. He has a new puppy.

manda_998 : Hey! Do you have a nick name?

Michael Fredo:My nick name is Mike.

mikefredofan: Michael when do you think you will do another USA tour?

Michael Fredo:In the year 2000. Yes. I will travel Singapore Dec. 1st -14th. The song is #1 there. And in Malaysia.

jenacarter: Would you strip for my 18th birthday :) (hehe) LoL, or would u perform for me on my 18th b-day??

Michael Fredo:Um, yeah, sure. To all the fans: Do you want me to treat this chat like a regular show or what?

MillenniumLvr: Michael, what's the most embarrassing moment on stage?

Michael Fredo:When I dove off into the crowd, and I slipped and messed up my elbow, but nobody knew and everyone laughed. I got all bandaged up. I had to get 8 tiny stitches.

Modestiee_1: Do you keep your Cell phone on with you when you travel??

Michael Fredo:Yeah. Sorry it hasn't been on for the last 8 days, cuz it's busted, but I just got it fixed. I promise I'll answer it.


Michael Fredo:I'm not familiar with the Treasure Trolls.

a_true_limpbizkit_fan_69 : What is the sweetest thing a fan has ever done for you?

Michael Fredo:Put a web site up. Thank you everyone who has put up a site for me.

albatross_1588: Michael, if you could do a collaboration with any star who would it be and why?

Michael Fredo:Michael Jackson, because he's the king! I have plans to do stuff with Aaron Neville. We're gonna work on a song.

sunshine3658 : Michael I love your bus doesn't it draw alot of attention to you when you are trying to hide?

Michael Fredo:My bus is funny. It does draw attention to us. I can hold concerts on top of the bus. It has huge pictures all over it. Anybody who meets me, my only disguise would be just to be funny. I would dress up as a girl for fun.

thistymearound35: I'm a HUGE fan and I thought I knew soo much about you but my friend stumped me today, what size pants do you wear?

Michael Fredo:30/34.

muchluv_forjustin : Michael, does color or race matter to you and would you ever be in an interracial relationship?

Michael Fredo:I'm partially blind in the first place. If I don't wear my contacts, I can't see. Sometimes I can't tell if a person is white or black because my vision is so bad.

teenydreamy: do you have trading cards?

Michael Fredo:The trading cards come in my cds. They’re just little picture baseball cards.

defdickie : I write alot of songs, but I don't have the courage to get up with a band and sing, how do you do it, what inspires your song writing ?

Michael Fredo:Rainy days inspire a song, losing people. The courage all comes from giving God back what he gave to me. My voice, which he gave me, and performing. My dad died a few years ago. After he died, I was like, I'm not going to college. I grew my hair down to here, I was a mess. I wrote him a song, and the whole album is dedicated to him, Christopher Fredo.

laurap323 : Do girls consider you a good kisser?

Michael Fredo:Yeah..

jen04onu: What's your favorite get-away spot?

Michael Fredo:Kauka. It's near where I'm from, Elmira, NY.

specialk2828 : Who has been your biggest non-musical influence?

Michael Fredo:My dad. He was musical, actually. My biggest non-musical influence is JFK. He is just a person of the people, he knew exactly how to handle himself. Thanks to everybody, thank you guys so much, I love being here. One thing before you guys leave . . . . (takes off his shirt) (showing his Tommy underwear) Bye.

Transcript from October 29, 1999 (my comments are in parenthesis)

AnnieRose_210: Hi Michael, This is Annierose. I know you love animals, I was wondering if you could be any animal what would you be and why? Love You Baby! And Keep the Youth Quake Rockin'! (ANNIE!! yall she made that kik bootie banner for me! is Fredo?)

launch_michael_fredo: I would be a monkey b/c I love to dance and sing and wear fun clothes around. (um ok...whatever floats your boat)

mikefredoisastud: What's the craziest thing a fan has ever done for you?

launch_michael_fredo: I don't know, made me sign her chest.

mfredogrl: what is something your fans would be shocked to know about you? (THATS MEEEEEE)

launch_michael_fredo: I wear briefs. (I KNEW THAT! ughh)

blushinblue: hello my name is Sara, and I would like to know if you are single? cause you are sexy

launch_michael_fredo: Yes, I'm single. I'm looking for the perfect girl to bear my children. (i will bear your children...wait til im 22 then it will be legal aiight?)

bean25_85: What is your idea of the perfect girl? Bean indiana

launch_michael_fredo: Oh, man. A girl with strong jeans. (NONE of my jeans have EVERY ripped! I SWEAR MIKE)

hugs4na: When was the last time you cried and why?

launch_michael_fredo: When my dad died, I guess. (that was 3 years ago! DANNNG)

mikefredoisastud: If your father could see you now, what do you think he would say?

launch_michael_fredo: He'd be happy that I'm doing what I love to do, but he might ask me to keep my shirt on more during the concerts. ( keep it off)

s_erman: do you think it is hard to compete with nsync and bsb and those other pop groups?

launch_michael_fredo: No, not at all, because I'm completely different. I come from the school of rock and roll. I don't come from the Mickey Mouse Club. (LOL AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :::pauses for breath::: AHAHAHAHAHA! omg that was HILARIOUS)

sararobb88: What are your morals when it comes to schooling? Do you believe a good education is important, especially in your career where it isn't needed as much?

launch_michael_fredo: I was good in high school until I got kicked out my junior year. Battle of the bands. My band attacked the other band because they were real jerks, they were heavy metal dudes, and they wanted to play after us and I refused. They threw rotten fruit at us and my brother and I beat up the other band and got kicked out of school for three weeks. (OMG! I can TOTALLY believe that! right Kel? We gotta get him some plates! LOL)

fancy_face420: You're a great singer....What inspired you?

launch_michael_fredo: Being near water inspires me. Like lakes and oceans and stuff. Seeing animals and saltwater fish inspires me, and also listening to other singers such as Marvin Gaye, Bette Midler, Michael Jackson, and Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan.

BlondieAnna: When did you get into music?

launch_michael_fredo: When I was 8 years old I started singing in the church choir.

h_rok_1999: How do you feel when you get to read all that fan mail that fans give to you?

launch_michael_fredo: I love the fan mail, but I would like to make a special message right now: to anyone that I promised sending a mystery package to, I am in L.A. right now for 1 week, but I PROMISE when I get back to NY, everybody I promised a package to, I will send to them. (YAY! I WANT MY "mystery package"!!!)

kel16_ali16: micheal when did you get started in the business?

launch_michael_fredo: About 4 years ago. Quincy Jones signed me to his record label.

Baby_Backstreet98: Would you ever pose naked?

launch_michael_fredo: Of course! (ahh...:::pictures the picture::: hmm...that could be good)

bball_gal_13_00: What matters more in a girl: looks or personality.

launch_michael_fredo: Personality, by far!

big_birds_gyrl: what's most important to you in your life?

launch_michael_fredo: My mom.

snip116: do you have crushes on anyone famous?

launch_michael_fredo: China Chow. She's an actress. She was in The Big Hit. (ooo i know who that is! she is purty)

lynzy3: your soo- awesome if you could change one thing about your life what would it be??

launch_michael_fredo: I would change the amount that I worry everyday, it's just completely uncalled for.

fancy_face420: if you could describe the way you kiss, how would it be?

launch_michael_fredo: It would be like a vacuum cleaner, but wet and juicy. (LOL hahahaha! Mike...u crack me up)

mikefredoisastud: Is there anything you're scared of?

launch_michael_fredo: Yeah...I don't like snakes. And I don't like Ouija boards--they freak me out. Once it freaked me out so much I went to my priest's house in the middle of the night. I told him I was freaking out 'cause I was messing with the Ouija board and the stuff it said was right and it freaked me out. He told me not to mess with it. (oo snakes! GROOOODY!)

mikefredoisastud: What do you see yourself doing when you're 30?

launch_michael_fredo: When I'm 30? I'll be a certified rock star.

becky_mcguire: who was your first kiss?

launch_michael_fredo: A girl named Julia. I was 16.

littlehuff: do you consider yourself a stud?

launch_michael_fredo: No. (I DO)

becky_mcguire: when u were like in not even junior high how popular were u? like how did the teachers and students treat u?

launch_michael_fredo: I was a good student; I was an 88-89 average student. My teachers liked me, but I was a wise-ass in school, a clown.

babyblueoceans: Do you have an alter ego as Garth Brooks has just revealed to the world recently? Would you ever sing rock or hard metal if not pop?

launch_michael_fredo: Absolutely not--I would never have an alter ego--Michael Fredo will be always the same. I would always try different avenues of music, but I would never change my name and stuff.

kelli_bredeson: Do you have any TV appearences soon?

launch_michael_fredo: My video is coming out very soon, I just got done shooting it. And I'll be on CNN, VH1, and Access Hollywood.

mikefredoisastud: What would you be doing if you weren't singing?

launch_michael_fredo: Waterskiing.

gurlonwheels: Do you date alot more or less now that you're famous?

launch_michael_fredo: A lot more.

Joeys_Supercutie: Michael hows your carreer going?and i heard Britney Spears is going ot Elmira College so she can be closer to you and her are goingout is this true?? Becky, Pa (haha Brit is such a loser)

launch_michael_fredo: That's absolutely false. We're just friends, just good friends.

carly55368: Do you believe in love at first sight??

launch_michael_fredo: Yes, I do.

VioletRose31: What's your most worshiped peice of clothing?

launch_michael_fredo: The pants I have on. My bedazzled pants. They have a ton of rhinestones running up the legs; they're brown cords.

madonem: What is your favorite part on a body of a woman?

launch_michael_fredo: Left arm. (wtf? left arm...i think i have a pretty sexy left arm)

pamelafredo88: Mike! This is Pamela if you emailed me Friday! I was wondering if you will be coming abck to Winnipeg any time soon because we miss you YONS! ESPECIALLY ME!!

launch_michael_fredo: I miss you, too Pamela. And I will be coming back to Winnipeg. I have to go to Singapore for 2 weeks and then I'll be on my way to Manitoba.

h_rok_1999: Do you have any pets?

launch_michael_fredo: Yes. I have two chameleons, three frogs, a saltwater fish aquarium, one chinchilla, two mice, and this is all true by the way, my friends are kind enough to take care of them when I'm away. And also two lovebirds, named Mario and Luigi. (DAYYYUM...thats a lot of animals)

daisiegurl3: i totally love your song..who writes your songs? If you do, how do you come up with them?

launch_michael_fredo: I write all my own love ballads, the slow songs I write. I'm inspired by real, true experiences in my life, such as a breakup, or losing someone close to me.

silver_orchids: Hi Michael. It's my sister's 15th B-day today. I was wondering if you could wish her Happy birthday? :)

launch_michael_fredo: Sure--what's her name? Happy birthday, darling!

launch_michael_fredo: Hi sararobb88 -- and hi to your puppy.

babyblueoceans: How do you feel about having to wear Tommy all day all night? Do you ever want to dress in someone else's cloths?

launch_michael_fredo: Actually, I've started to dress in other people's clothes just this month.

a02ash: If you got to do a duet with anyone in the world, who would it be and why? with?

launch_michael_fredo: It would probably be Pavarotti, 'cause he's the backbone of classical music.

groovydisco_skunk01: Have you ever slathered green Jell-O on your ankles lovingly and smiled? (WTF?!)

launch_michael_fredo: LOL. No, I've never done that with green Jell-O, but I will certainly try it in memory of you, groovydisco_skunk01!

ledaparker: what's the one thing you want to accomplish the most in your life?

launch_michael_fredo: I would like to save the rainforests. And I would also like to stop world hunger, but that's going to take all of you to form a special organization.

a02ash: When you're up on stage you look like you're having the greatest time of your life. What inspires you to dance around the stage and take off your clothes?

launch_michael_fredo: Axl Rose.

summer_girl19: What advice would you give aspiring singers?

launch_michael_fredo: Make sure that you sing without straining your voice, and the voice cannot be perfect every day, so don't freak out like I do, and throw things in your apartment and break things, if your voice range isn't the same every day.

soul_singer99: So how did you become a model for Tommy Hilfiger?

launch_michael_fredo: They saw me perform and they asked me to do the ads.

launch_michael_fredo: Hi annierose, I caught that obscene comment you just made... (LOL!! AHHH i know what hes talkin bout! BAD ANNIE LOL)

daisiegurl3: what is your email address? I want to write to you!

launch_michael_fredo:, but I hardly ever check my emails because I am so busy right now putting together my new show.

jazzy_chasez_gyrl: what's the strangest thing you've done in public?

launch_michael_fredo: I have to think about that one ...

carly55368: Do you ever Wake board???

launch_michael_fredo: No. I like slalom skiing best (waterskiing on one ski). (ahh i cant even get up on 2)

summer_girl19: What is your favorite song of all times?

launch_michael_fredo: "Wind Beneath My Wings."

kelli_bredeson: Will you be doing a tour of your own some time?

launch_michael_fredo: Yes, I'm starting a tour in mid-February, and I will be playing at a lot of junior high schools and high schools around the U.S. (o o o o....come to my schooool)

ledaparker: Would you ever consider dating a fan?

launch_michael_fredo: Yes, I would consider dating a fan, only if they can put up with someone who is a little strange at times. (oo i dig strange guys)

holden32_1999: What advice would you give to Axel Rose?

launch_michael_fredo: I don't know, I don't have any advice to give him, 'cause he's awesome, at least he was in the '80s when I liked him.

launch_michael_fredo: What's wrong, sararobb88?

michaelfredosfan: Michael I heard that you have a really short that true??? Lillian, PA

launch_michael_fredo: Yes, that is true! But I'm learning to control my temper. I have a funny story about what happened a couple of days ago if you all want to hear it. (lol...i think me and Kel know that story! haha)

jazzy_chasez_gyrl: what do you regret most in your life?

launch_michael_fredo: Not going on a vacation with my dad before he died. I chose to stay home with my friends and play a concert at a dingy bar that weekend. That's what I regret. (AWWWWWW....that is the saddest thing i have ever heard! :*( poor mikey!)

Ariane_01: if you could be anybody for one, who would you be, and what would you differently from that person?

launch_michael_fredo: I would be the President, and I wouldn't have gotten a mic check from one of my interns. (AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:::pause for breath:::AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA lol....MIKE!! haha)

cruel_lvr: hey michael, i love the song Now That Your Gone i was just wondering what inspired you to write it?

launch_michael_fredo: My dad, who died. That song will also be used on Baywatch starting very soon, I guess they're going to use it for their theme song. (Baywatch? umm ok)

andiet_01: who is the most famous celebrity that you've ever met?

launch_michael_fredo: Michael Jackson. He's like, just a great person.

lynzy3: would you ever give a private concert??

launch_michael_fredo: Heck, yeah!

Justins1andonly02: have you ever tried to spike your hair straight up w/ elmers glue? i have its kinda kewl and it washes right out (ehh u people scare me)

launch_michael_fredo: No, I haven't, but I'll try it for you, Justin, and tell you how it goes!

gorickigoricki: hey mike. I love your work. I always ask lots of celebs this, now it's time for you. What do you think of the Ricki Lake Show

launch_michael_fredo: I like Ricki Lake 'cause she went to my high school, Professional Children's School. She graduated 5 years before me.

kr_nikki: Do you ever feel strange knowing to that some people you are like a sex object

launch_michael_fredo: That's just the way I've lived my life. (LOL...uh huh! SUUURE)

MillenniumLvr: What exactly happened to your cell phone? Love ya!

launch_michael_fredo: I dropped it in the bathtub. I'm getting a new one soon. And I'll make sure that I give everybody the number. (NOO dont do that! U r crazy)

VOLL24: are you trying to get any special message across to your fans

launch_michael_fredo: Yes. Make people smile every day. (:::scratches my dog's back::: :::dog smiles:::)

littlehuff: i love your website. do you have any input on it??

launch_michael_fredo: Yes, I sent baby photos there. I also pick some of the fan site links too. (MY SITE MY SITE MY SITE! HEHE)

launch_michael_fredo: Shoe316: what sucks and what's your question?

h_rok_1999: Do you ever go on the net and look at websites that people made about you?

launch_michael_fredo: Not often, but yes I do.

glitter001_1: hi micheal...u get a lot of girls right? it cool like that?

launch_michael_fredo: It's a lot of fun to be associated with the opposite sex.

Ariane_01: if you were to died and had the chance to come back as anything, what would you come back as?

launch_michael_fredo: I'd rather be a parrot, because parrots can talk and sing and fly.

lksierra: what would be the best advice to give any teenager in the world today?

launch_michael_fredo: Have fun. Join the party. But don't drink and drive.

BSB_Grrrl: Do you need anymore back-up dancers?

launch_michael_fredo: No, BSB_Grrrl, thanks anyway.

poemamber: what are your plans after this chat session tonight?

launch_michael_fredo: Night on the town in Los Angeles, baby! Do you have any suggestions? (how bout u get on a plane and fly to jackson!)

babyblueoceans: Have you ever thought about making a movie?

launch_michael_fredo: I just got done making a bootleg claymation film in my house, which is true. Also, they used my new song called "Free" in a new movie with Brooke Shields and Claudia Schiffer called Black And White.

z_e_r_o_b_l_i_n_d_162738: what do you think about all the Rock -n- Roll comming back?

launch_michael_fredo: I think it's great to hear that type of music again. But my new CD has a very unique form of pop-rock and R&B.

andiet_01: what did you wanna grow up to be when you were little or was a singer you goal?

launch_michael_fredo: A singer was always my goal. Check out my new CD called Introducing Michael Fredo on your new release rack in record stores now, then you'll really hear what I have to say.

summer_girl19: Whats the most annoying song you've ever had to listen to?

launch_michael_fredo: I don't know what to say...I guess it would be any song Marilyn Manson does. Any song Marilyn Manson does sucks. I think that he's evil. (ehh...yes he is!)

Justins1andonly02: can u give me some advice, my bf is being kinda mean and he wont really talk to me or write me e-mails and i want to talk to him about it but its kinda hard since he lives in a different state and i cant talk to him face to face

launch_michael_fredo: Put some really red lipstick on, alright? Write him a really sexy love letter and kiss the paper 88 times. Also sprinkle clippings of your hair into the envelope. (what is his obsession with 88? i guess its his fave #)

Ariane_01: What has been the most important adivce that you received from your parents or a love one

launch_michael_fredo: The best advice my parents gave me was to make sure my work was complete, thorough, and beyond quality, and always have fun after you've finished the job. That's what my dad taught me.

princess_sweetness_2000: do you know Dave Kuivenhoven? If not...hes impersonating you...and I have his contact!

launch_michael_fredo: Dave who? Is this a joke? If he has a different name then how can he impersonate me? (:::can picture Michael getting pissed:::)

partygurl808: How old is Michael?

launch_michael_fredo: I just turned 20 in July.

a02ash: Is 88 your lucky/favorite number? It's one of mine [88 and 7] and you seem to use it a lot...

launch_michael_fredo: My whole life is based around the number 88. All my grades in high school were 88, every locker I had was 88. Usually in my bank, my bank account numbers have 88s in them. I have $88. (yes i was right!)

crunked_kell: Michael, will you pleeeze go to my Sadie Hawkins dance with me in January? Love ya...Kelley, MS (HAHAHA kel...u r CRAZY)

launch_michael_fredo: Sure. Yes, I will. BUT, we'll have to get to know each other a little more before I commit to anything.

HansonNL: which Spice Girl do you think you're most like?

launch_michael_fredo: Scary Spice. I know Scary Spice, too, I love her.

the_rocks_babe_2000: what are you gonna be for Halloween?

launch_michael_fredo: I haven't decided yet, but I'm looking for suggestions. (be Britney Spears with me)

groovydisco_skunk01: Oh, can you give me some advice? Is it okay to be smug about your new socks? (wtf?)

launch_michael_fredo: Are you on drugs? (AHAHAHA! LOL!!!! HAHAHAHA! Dude...he is HILARIOUS)

poemamber: do you believe in long distance relationships? Do you think they can actually last?

launch_michael_fredo: Yes, I do. I think long-distance relationships are the best ones.

kleigh428: Michael, could u say that u have ever been in love?

launch_michael_fredo: Once. With my first girlfriend, Julia.

MillenniumLvr: is your room arranged? Love ya lots! -Jen from NEBRASKA

launch_michael_fredo: It looks kind of like a jungle. I decorated it like a cave. I have a fog machine built into the wall, and it looks very mysterious. And my bed is like a nest.

gamblor_11: HI Mike! (Its one of the girls from Vancouver, BC again!) If you didn't answer my other q, then THANK YOU VERY MUCH for letting us see your show. We've all heard of the so-called "cyclical" nature of pop, esp now more than ever. Do you feel, that when the time comes, you'd change w/ the times, or would you keep to your own style regardless? Thanks and hope to see you soon! =)

launch_michael_fredo: I would make sure that my music was as close to my heart as when it first started. I would always keep to myself.

mapearce_2000: If you were on an island, who would you want to be the only other person living there with you?

launch_michael_fredo: Your mom.

LdyPisces: how do u feel about people making fun of u?

launch_michael_fredo: Nobody makes fun of me. (hmm...yea...nobody makes fun of you....)

ledaparker: Michael, do you think it would be weird if i dressed as you for Halloween?

launch_michael_fredo: No, not at all. As a matter of fact, I'll send you my studded pants.

sailorjupeter45: How Do You Feel About The Explosion of Teenagers In the Music Industry>

launch_michael_fredo: I think it's too bad that all those body parts have to fall all over the place. (haha what a dorky joke! lol)

babyblueoceans: Any consideration on Michael Fredo dolls?

launch_michael_fredo: I would rather have Michael Fredo trolls.

RingoStarr07: what was the stupidest question anyone has asked you?

launch_michael_fredo: This one (just kidding). The stupidest question anyone's ever asked me is the one about the socks earlier.

andiet_01: i am junior class president at my school and we have prom this year. can you please come and sing at it since i am a big fan of yours and i've gotten almost all of my friends to buy your cd single? do you think it is possible?

launch_michael_fredo: What state are you in, darlin'?

Justins1andonly02: do u believe in internet relationships? i mean not ones where it is just like hey lets go out but ones where u get to know each other then you end up calling each other and then u eventually meet and u see each other every once and a whoile

launch_michael_fredo: Yeah, that would be cool. But I hope I don't meet some pedophile in a mall somewhere, you know what I'm sayin'?

launch_michael_fredo: We have time for one more question ...

KaOs_FrEaK: Michael do you have an official fan club???

launch_michael_fredo: We're working on it, in the meantime you can join my e-mailing list at

launch_michael_fredo: I've seen all your questions in the chat room, but there are so many that I can't answer all of them! But thank all of you for hanging out! I love you 88 times. And I look forward to singing to each and every one of you. I'm coming to Australia too...Thanks for coming everyone!

launch_host: Be sure to check out Michael's official website at!

Go here for the zoogdisney chat! page Zoog Chat then go to express yourself then click chat then go to chat transcripts then go to Michael Fredo (11/8/99) and there it is!! hope u can find it!

This is the VIDEO CHAT from a while ago (september i think!?) and the transcript is up there but this is the real video so check it out! Enjoy...p.s.-the number he gives out no longer works so dont try callin it! Sonicnet Chat and u have to have Sonicnet Chat and u have to have Real Player to see it!
