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December 1999




Welcome to the first edition of the new Menzieshill Swimming and Water Polo Club newsletter. 1999 has been a great year for swimming, water polo and fund raising, as you will read in the following pages.


This newsletter will be produced twice a year and the publication dates are June and December 2000. Its success will depend, in part, on you and the comments and feed back, so get in touch if you have any points you want to raise or submit an article.


Ryan Laird, Editor

Tel. 580718


New Appointments


The AGM took place in November 1999 and the new office bearers for 1999/2000 were appointed. After 27 years and 8 months, Frank Jordan stepped down as President. On behalf of all club members (past and present), families and friends, Jim Mochan thanked Frank for his commitment and dedication to the Club over the years. Effie Murray, who has been with the Club for over 20 years, was congratulated for her valuable contribution. Frank was appointed as Honorary President of the Club and Effie was appointed a Life Member of the Club.


Chic Mitchell, the Club’s new President said, "It is with great pleasure that I accept the position of President of the Menzieshill Swimming and Water Polo Club. I would like to thank all concerned for appointing me to this position. I’m sure that with the support of all coaches, committee members, parents and swimmers we will take the Club forward. I have a difficult and almost impossible act to follow because our past President is unique. We respect his wish to stand down but Frank will never be far away from the Club. I’ve known him for over 40 years and we all know we can count on him for many years to come. So Frank, don’t change your telephone number!"

Office Bearers




Club Executive


Mr Chic Mitchell (tel. 641748)



Mr Bob Laird



Mrs Karen Don



Mrs Edna Ritchie


Development Co-ordinator

Mr Murray McLeod




Swimming Committee

Head Coach

Mrs Debbie Henderson


Assistant Coaches

Mr Graeme Brown, Mr Jim Don, Mr Bruce Henderson, Mr Bob Laird, Mr Chic Mitchell, Mr Jim Mochan, Mr Murray McLeod



Mr Jim Mochan



Mr Dave Stewart


Gala Secretary

Mrs Mary Hall


Committee Members

Mrs Karen Don, Mrs Mary Hall, Mr Dave Stewart




Water Polo Committee


Mr Derek Richard



Mr Iain Findlay


Match Secretary

Mr Gus Reid


Head Coach

Mr Bob Laird


Assistant Coaches

Mr Paul Cunningham, Mr Bruce Henderson, Mr Murray McLeod, Mr Derek Richard, Mr George Taylor.


Ladies Representative





Fundraising Committee


Mr Craig Barton



Mrs Wanda Ferrie



Mrs Irene Thompson


Publicity Manager

Mr Kevin Brown


Committee Members




Editors Report


We’ve been relegated from the Premier Division to the First Division. Nevertheless, I am sure that Debbie and her coaching team will get us up back to the Premier Division very soon. It is not just the coaching team who will need to put in the effort, we – the swimmers must be willing to put in the effort too. The standards in the Premier Division are very high. As a reminder, here are the swimming training times.







6.00 – 7.00 pm

Menzieshill School



7.30 – 8.30 pm




5.00 – 6.00 pm

Menzieshill School



6.00 – 7.00 pm

Menzieshill School



9.00 – 10.00 am

Menzieshill School



10.00 – 11.00 am

Menzieshill School



11.00 – 12.30 pm

Menzieshill School





Debbie Henderson

Head Coach Report


It has been a busy year with many competitions taking place. Most of the swimmers who competed this year achieved personal bests and some excellent swimming standards were achieved throughout all age groups (young and not so young).Training sessions have been going well but lately attendance on Saturday and Sunday has dropped, so please make an effort to attend. All the coaches are working together to develop a training plan and hopefully the fruits of this labour will lead to our promotion. Date for your diary – Monday, 20 December, 7.30 pm, Olympia – Christmas Sprint Gala.




Irene Thomson

Fund Raising Report


This year has been an excellent year for fundraising. We have held many functions and events including – bingo, barbecue, family fun night, adults disco, quiz night, Web Ivory, Christmas fayre and Avon. Thanks to everyone who contributed towards and participated in the events. By the end of the year, we expect to raise £2000. This extra income will help the Club to function and expand into the new millennium. It is hard work and fun so please continue to support us and let us make the year 2000 an even better one than this. Watch this space for news about fund raising events. If you have, any ideas please contact members of the Fund Raising Committee.




Derek Richard – Water Polo Report


Apologies to all those who turned up at the Olympia on 6 December for the "come and try waterpolo" event. The Olympia was closed for annual maintenance and we had not been notified. The Club’s waterpolo sessions continue to flourish and attract new members. Here are the training details.






Age Group


8.30– 9.00 pm


£1.50 *

Under 13


8.30 – 9.30 pm


£1.50 *

Over 13


8.00 – 8.45 pm

Menzieshill School


Under 15


8.45 – 9.30 pm

Menzieshill School


Over 15


*this price is for swimming and water polo




Diary Dates


18 December 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm

25 Year Club Reunion-Menzieshill School

Programme of events is on the invitation.


7.30 pm for 8.00 pm till late

The Queens Hotel

Tickets available from Frank Jordan and Edna Ritchie.


27 December Christmas Party – An event not to be missed!

7.30 pm till late-The Friary



And finally, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year