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Salvation is Free, But it's not Cheap!

Salvation is free but it's not cheap,
It cost the life of God's son and that's pretty steep.
Salvation is priceless, we can't afford it you see,
That's why it's a gift for you and for me.
Knowing we'd need redemption, God came up with a plan,
He, in His greatness, would reach out to man.
He'd call us to Him and show us His way.
And take us to Heaven to live with Him someday.
His love for us caused Him to do what He did,
In spite of our sins or how far down we had slid.
It doesn't depend on us at all,
Be our faith great or quite weak and small.
He'll give us the faith and trust that we need,
And allow us forever at His table to feed.
He promised redemption and His promise He'll keep,
Salvation is free but it's not cheap.

Author: Bob Hefner

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