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John Carpenter's The Thing

John Carpenter's The Thing

The Norris-worm

"Watching Norris in there gave me the idea that
maybe every part of him was a whole;
maybe every little piece was an individual animal,
with a built-in desire to protect its own life..."

R. J. MacReady, in The Thing, after witnessing the
emergence, fragmentation, and death of the Norris-worm.

This web page is devoted to John Carpenter's 1982 film, The Thing, based on the original John Campbell story Who Goes There and coming on the cinematric heels of The Thing from Another World. On this page will be included a variety of links to other sites, as well as internal links to my own viewpoints on this excellent film.

Outpost #31 and its discussion forum

Outpost of the Vampire Tribute Page to the Thing and Day of the Dead

Review of The Thing by myself in 2002.

Visit's interesting collection of The Thing reviews.

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