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The Mississippian Worker's Freedom Party

The Party Flag.

Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Che; Founders of the Worker's Revolution. Comrades, you are not forgotten!

Welcome to the official homepage of the Mississippian Worker's Freedom Party. Before we get into details about what we are, let's ask you some questions:

Are you from Mississippi or Alabama?

Do you hate the way the United States treats Mississippi and Alabama?

Have you ever thought that Socialism or Communism just might not be as bad as people make it out to be?

Do you think that Mississippi and Alabama should break away from the Union to form a Communist nation and come back to free the workers of America?

If you answered yes to any of these questions and are armed and dangerous, then we want you! We call upon all Confederate flag-flying, shotgun-toting, Capitalism-hating, Mississippian patriots to join up with us and fight for a country of our own! This is a new site, but we will have more here. So when we get up and running, become a citizen of the People's Democratic Republic of Mississippi!

This picture is dedicated to all Communists everywhere and to the working class of Mississippi. We shall overcome!

Site map

The National Anthem of Mississippi
A Tribute to an Old Alternative Lifestile with an Old Steriotype; Communist Skinheads!
Red Mississippi Rebel Radio
Links to other groups, Communist or otherwise.
The 2000-2004 Platform of the Mississippi Worker's Freedom Party.
The Philosophy of Juche.
