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2000-2004 Platform of the Mississippi Worker's Freedom Party

Let's face it. The people of the Southern states have been facing criticism and unfair treatment ever since the reconstruction. But if there are two states that have the worst reputation in the North, they are Mississippi and Alabama. These two states have been ignored, treated like dirt, and have so many steriotypes about them that it's not even funny. What is needed here is a revolution made up of all the workers, poor farmers, immigrants, youth and students, and minorities of Mississippi and Alabama to revolt against their yankee oppressors and form a new nation, one of peace, equality, and order. To this end, the Mississippi Worker's Freedom Party has writen for the years 2000-2004 a platform stating their means and their aims.

1. Make a new Communist nation in Mississippi and Alabama

No matter how much people deny it, Communism is more needed than ever in these states that have been oppressed for so long. And contrary to U.S. propaganda, Communism is not the following things: 1. racist, 2. oppressive, 3. suppressive, 4. responsible for the Holocaust, and 5. a system of slavery. As a matter of fact Communism is the opposite of all these things. Under Communism all people would be equal. There would be no rich or poor. Yes, there would be common ownership of property and no free enterprise. Why no free enterprise? Lenin said one time that "if I grew more grain than I needed and thought 'perhaps if I kept this grain from being sold for a while, the people would starve and demand it more and I would make a larger profit,' would I be thinking like a Communist? No! I would be thinking like an exploiter." In other words, free enterprise gives one person too much of something that in society today can make you superior to everyone else, and that's money. Under Communism also, all races would be given equal rights. In America today if you are black, hispanic, Jewish, or any other minority race, then you have a lesser chance of getting a fair trial than a white person does. As proof of this, I will bring up the subject of Mumia Abu-Jamal. He was falsely accused of shooting a police officer. Today he is on deathrow, despite all the evidence pointing away from him, because he is a Black Panther. And when confronted with this problem, the U.S. just says "It's because these minority groups have a better chance of being involved in gangs." So what? White people have a good chance of getting into gangs, too,but they can get a fair trial regardless. In the new Mississippi, that kind of racism would stop. Hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan will be banned and their members will be exiled to the United States where they will be welcome. Under Communism, all people would have freedom of speech, so long as it did not infringe on other people's beliefs. For instance, let's say that a person were to go around spreading Christian propaganda and forcing his beliefs on others (they can talk about Christianity, just not try and prosthelize people). Then action would be taken. However, if that person were to be more open minded about the other person's beliefs, then no action would have to be taken. And yes, there will be religious freedom, and for good reason. You see, Communists are at base atheist. We believe that religion has spent its time on Earth and is not hypothetical and must be left behind. But somehow, it has lasted to the present day. Because of that, we must do our best to try and confront religion with scientific facts. This will be a dificult task because Mississippi and Alabama are in the middle of the "Bible Belt," where Protestant Christianity flourishes and makes Catholicism and other religions a minority. There will still be, however, followers of religion. So, out of respect for those people we will keep it. Plus if we banned it, the United States would have something to blame us for and more people would try to move out. Under Communism, life would be worth living and the people would share equal rights. Also in Mississippi, there will be upheld the example of the regime of Lenin and Stalin in the Soviet Union, Mao in China, Cuba, North Korea, etc. I know the mention of Stalin and Cuba may confuse a lot of people, but here's the truth about it. The crap that the immigrants spread about Castro and Stalin is all about getting their land and casinoes (in Cuba's case) back. The truth is that people in Stalin's Russia and Castro's Cuba were and are freer than the people here in the US. The constitutions of both countries guarantee to their citizens rights that the United States never even thought of. Also, the revolution in Mississippi is anti-revisionist. We are not the ones to stand around and wait for change. We will fight and, if necessary, die, for this cause.

2. The Five Year Plan

Sound familiar? Yes, Stalin had a five year plan also. Stalin had three five year plans on his side, but we hve come up with specific steps in the Mississippian five year plan. The general idea is to reach these goals within five years of the new Mississippi's founding. The plan is as follows: 1. Rid Mississippi of homelessness. This will be acheived by the institution of the 100 acre law. This simply states that any property over 100 acres will be divided among the homeless and landless so that they can build their homes on that land. 2. Better education. Mississippi and Alabama are considered the stupidest states in the Union, mainly because the children refuse to learn, and if they do choose to learn, it's just to get an A and forget it after they graduate. This problem will be solved by a weapon control program that will stop school violence, raising the minimum wage salary for teachers (and everyone else for that matter) to $10 an hour, and things that will interest the kids and not make them fall asleep in class or want to forget about their studies. 3. A cultural revolution. This will be carried out by the Mississippian Red Guard. Like its counterpart in China, the Red Guard will be the ones who will hang up posters promoting Communism, pass literature about Communism to people, organize parades and holidays, and teaching Communist doctrine in schools. We will also hold an inquisition and seek out all people who stay loyal to the United States. When these people are sought out, they will be flown to America, the land that they are so attached to. 4. Ending hunger. We will use the method that Emperor Barbarossa of the Holy Roman Empire used, to fix a set price for food after every season to a point where all people can afford it. 5. Lower the unemployment rate. This will be done by creating more job opportunities for the people who want to get a job. As to the people who won't get a job and think that the government will supply them with everything, Communist Mississippi will live under a great law, "If you don't work, thou shalt not eat," the same rule that governed the American colonists.

3. The institution of true Communism.

Do you want to know why America has spread so many lies about Communism? It's because they don't want their working people to revolt against them. Well, I hate to tell this to you, America, but Mississippi and Alabama will no longer be your puppets. We are going to rise up and break our ties with you, and our working class will be free. The only way to do this is by the distribution of literature informing people of what Communism really is and what it will do to society if instituted. But just what is true Communism? True Communism is everything the United States says it isn't. Under Communism, there would be democracy. All people will be equal. There will be no rich or poor because of the common ownership of property. So what is true Communism? True Communism is the will of the working people.

4. A Communist United Nation.

Don't think that this revolution is only going to benefit Mississippi and Alabama. Once independance for these two states has been won, we will start negotiations with the Communist nations of the world, like Cuba, China, Laos, Mongolia, North Korea, and Vietnam. After the success of these negotiations, we will form a new organization called the Communist United Nations, so as to make Communism a major world power once again.


So, in conclusion, I would like to say that it is very possible for Mississippi to gain its independance. However, the United States will not take litely to our ideas, so the only way for these states to gain their independance from America is through an armed Guerrilla revolution. Only after this can we truly be free from the clutches of Capitalist America.