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A Light for the Lord


Several years ago there was a song called “You can’t be a beacon if Your Light doesn’t Shine”   It has a lot of truth in it for Christians.  We are like light houses showing g the way to sailors out in the dark. … the beacon light shows the way to safety and home on the shore.  Christians are to show the way to those who are in darkness of the world.. We should show the way to the shore and safety in Jesus Christ.


Mt 5:14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is on an hill cannot be hid.  15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.  16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.


We are to let our light shine so men can see our light and glorify God.  How is our light shinning?  Is it such that all men can see it or is it covered under a bushel of worldly cares?


Many times our light may be hidden so deep that it cannot be seen by others at all … Many Christians can             talk for hours about sports, shopping, jobs – anything  but the Church  Why?  Are we ashamed of the Church?  Are we ashamed of Christ?  Would our close friends be surprised to see or hear us pray.


Let us look at some of the characteristics of light and darkness.  Darkness is naturally in the world .. it is always there it is the absence of light.  We do not buy a dark bulb.  Just as sin is naturally in the world and is in all of our lives  .. it does not take long to learn right from wrong .. It was just there, but light is dominant over darkness.   Just as good and righteousness is dominant over evil and sin.


John. 1:5-10


How can we let our light shine?


1) by being faithful to attend church services.  We should make every effort to be here and make it important in our lives that others will know that this is important to us.  A coach wants his players at every practice.  In fact to play in the game he requires it, unless there is a real good reason.  The couch would not think you are very interested if you showed up for practice only half the time.


Today many businesses and sports activities take place on Sundays and do not mind interfering with Church. .

When we miss church for ballgame, sports etc we say the church is not important.


2) By being honest Do we lie, cheat, and pretend to be  something that we are not?  The world see this and may that this is the all are at this church … This is all the excuse they need.  Are we living examples of the living Church of Christ?   We cannot convince others to do right if they don’t see us being honest and truthful with them.   What we do speaks far louder than what we say!!

We cannot expect others to do what we are not doing


3) By Not gossiping – like do we say “did you hear about …what he did. Certainly we should we should not spead gossip about church members, even if you think it is true.

Complaining about the church is like a fog it dims the light and could even put its light out.


Ga 5:15 But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.


4) By shinning the light where it is needed.  A small child holding the light while one is trying to work in the dark it just about impossible.  The light will wonder around and not shine on what you are doing.  It will shine on the wrong things because the child will not be focused on what you are.


  Lu 5:31 And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick.  


We must be more than just Christians when we are surrounded by Christians

someone broke down … needs work done, finical help, etc.  This kind of help can do as much good or more than preaching.


(Ben Franklin Story) He wanted street lights in his town.  The Council was against it.  So he put one up on his street next to his house, before long everyone wanted one.

He started first at home to let his light shine.  Rater than complain he let his light shine.  He was not ashamed to be the only one with light shinning.  He let people see the benefits of being in the light.   The light itself was all that was needed to convince others they needed the light. Now we have them every where.   


We need to let our light shine so people will come near the light and see the benefits of being in the light.  We need to stay connected to the Lord that our light will shine.  Lose connection – on and off – till not on at all.  We need to be counted on to be shining and not blinking on and off.  Dependable light

The more lights you have shinning the brighter the light and the father it can be seen.  The brighter our light the better and father the truth can be see.


When out in the dark see a big city from a long distance away – the glow in the sky. Brookhaven - far west.

If every member here is shining, then Christ will be see in us.


Lets let our lights shine so people in the darkness of the world can see the light and find the way.  But we must make sure that we are on the shore, solid ground.  Long ago pirates would  large build large fires on rocks and lead ships into the  rocks to crash into them, then  rob them.  Let us make sure we are on the ground & let our lights shine bright leadings the lost to Christ.  Many will find out one day that they are not on the solid ground & have led may to destruction.  We have a big responsibility to lead the lost to safety in Jesus Christ.

One day a hunter got lost in the woods he was there until after dark.  Then he noticed off in the distance a light shinning through the woods. He head straight for the light, it being dark he could not see any paths or anything just the light.  He went through some thick briers, and bushes.  He did care about the scratches because he knew if he followed the light he would come out to safety and if he didn’t he would be lost again.  He finally came out to a house and road home.


If you are lost in the darkness of the world without Christ, turn to him now and see what he has to say .

Isiah 55:3; - hear

John 8:24; - believe

Luke 13:3; - repent

Mat. 10:32; - Confess

1 Peter 3:18-21 - be baptized for salvation