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Poetry and other gifts

Shaya being Shaya, we needed a library. I can't give you those lovely, deep chairs that belongs in a library, but what I can do is offer a few small gifts. I hope other friends/visitors will do the same, by sending it to me at

I'm blinded by the light,
sinking into darkness.
All sense of direction disappears.

What should have been death
is life. Too much alive.
And as I sink
I slowly learn
to swim.

-Luighseach (submitted by Luighseach)

Du skal ikke tro alt du hører,
du skal ikke si alt du vet.
Da sparer du mange bører,
på sinn og samvittighet.

-ukjent (submitted by Luighseach)

Submitted by Åke

(submitted by Luighseach)

Submitted by Cathi