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Jupiter is 778,330,000 km from the sun. Jupiter is 142,984 km in diameter and 1.900e27 kg in mass.

Jupiter's core temperature is about 20,000 k. It's name Jupiter in Greek means King of the gods.

Jupiter's surface probably has a core of rocky material amounting to 10 to 15 Earth masses. The layer above the core is made of metallic hydrogen. Jupiter has a magnetic field. The next layer is composed of ordinary molecular hydrogen and helium.

Jupiter has many special features such as the Great red Spot has been seen by observers for more than 300 years. This spot is big enough to hold two Earths. Jupiter releases more heat than it receives from the sun.

Jupiter has 16 moons. They are named for other figures in the life of Zeus (mostly lovers). They are known as Metis, Andrastea, Amalthea, Thebe, Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Leda, Himalia, Lysithea, Elara, Anake, Carme, Pasiphae, and Sinope.
