Saturn is 1,429,400,000 km from the sun. It's size is 120,536 km in diameter and 5.68e26 kg in mass.
The surface temperature is 285 degrees F to 49 degrees F. It's name comes from the Roman god of agriculture.
The surface is 75% hydrogen and 25% helium with traces of water, methane, ammonia, and rock similar to Solar Nebular. It has a rocky core, a liquid metallic hydrogen layer and a molecular hydrogen layer Ices are also present.
One of the special features of this planet is that it is the least dense of all planets. It's specific gravity (0.7) is less than that of water. Saturn's interior is 12,000 k at the core. Two prominent rings and one faint ring can be seen from Earth. The rings are composed of innumerable small particles each in an independent small orbit.
Saturn has 18 satellites. They are Pan, Promethus, Pandora, Epimetheus, Janus, Minas, Enceladus, Tethys, Telesto, Calypso, Dione, Helene, Rhea, Titan, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Phoebe.