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Girl Talk

: So hey, what's up, it's me and I'm sending a message out to Ashlee. Maybe she'll look at the page and realize that it's been changed...I'll have to teach her how to write in here with the advanced format...I'm sorry you feel like you're fighting a losing battle, now you know what my life feels like everyday...

I guess i could get the hang of this. All this fancy-schmancy computer jargon. I just wanted to let you know how proud I am of you! I'm soooooo happy you had a good first day of work! Well, I've chosen to stop battling, it's not worth the battle if you already know you're going to lose.

: I think you could totally get used to all of this computer mumbo jumbo. Look I added little icons to show qho's talking. How's that look? I know you dig it!

oh my goddess! i think i actually did this one by myself, we'll see. oh renee, i know you'll be so proud. but i won't reveal my secret to you. today was cool, i got all messy in ceramics. we just got a scanner at home so maybe i'll be able to load som eof my own pics in here. don't think i didn't see the file with all your pics in it. i want equality! alright, i'll go back to work. talk to you in a bit doll!!

alright, i just finished my first share entry, now it's your turn! i had a bit of fun doing it. hope you do to. talk to you later honey thighs!!!

: I made up a share topic and posted. Hooray for me! aren't you so proud...I know you are...and I know ou're rpoud of what I'm talking about in the entry more than you are about me actually making and entry. I am proud of myself too. I love you Ashlee...thank you for caring enough to take the time to tell me what you thought and encourage me to do what's right for have always been an amazing friend!

aw girl, you got me a little teary eyed with that last one. i only did because i love you so much, and you're such and amazing person, and (most of all) i know you'd do the same for me. the hard part was waiting for you to realize i was right (hee hee). i love you so muches too. xoxoxoxo

i am trying to refrain from using names, but i am so happy to hear that you're not falling for HIS shit anymore. HE's a fucking asshole!!! HE's a fucking asshole!!! la la la la la la!!! and i get to say it all i want!!!!! la la la la la la!!!! i'm sending you a high-five girl with love girlie!!!

: Awwww...c'mon gotta be so harsh on the boy? He jst wasn't right for me and I was't right for him. He's just hurt right now and he'sacting out of it. I just don't let it get to me =)

i know, i should feel sorry for him, but you have to imagine my glee and giddiness when i found out my bestest friend in the world was no longer a zombie (hee hee, just kidding).

RENEE!!! RENEE!!! WHERE ARE YOU???????? girl, it's been way too long. where have you been? have you been getting my emails, i'm a bit worried that i was typing in the wrong address. i haven't put in my address book yet so if i write it wrong, i have no idea. well, i'm kind of in a little wee-bit mess. nothing too serious, i just reeeeeeeeeeeeally want to see what you think. you better get on tonight. or i'll beat you up!

oh renee, i'm so proud of myself. i can't believe it took me a year and a half to do this though. i'm such a dork.

can life get any better? really? did i do something to totally kick up the karma? i'm doing good in school, scouts is fun, family: great, work: not too shabby, love life: oh child! don't even get me started. i'm totally content. life is wonderful. then i hear that my ex boyfriend, the one that i let totally devastate my life, the one that was a total insensitive, immature, irresponsible, stomp on my heart jerk, has put out a personal ad on the internet to get chicks.
life is good

: Wow! I haven't written in here in forever! Sorry. Well, that is just suuuuuper hilarious about Brandon, the poor boy is so desperate for a mate. You're doing real good for yourself lately honey and I'm proud of you. I just wish you were online and whatnot a little more, I miss talking to you. But, hey! I understand, you've got that sweet man to occupy your time. Hey! I wanna tell you, I know you haven't recieved your b-day card from me yet...cause I just saw it in this big pile of papers on the kitchen counter...I asked my mom to mail it for me and I guess she set it there and forgot about it. But don't worry, I'm really really sendin it off today. A month late isn't too bad. =)

: P.S. I put up some more work on the art page.

i was starting to wonder about that card. i know i'm not on a whole lot, but contrary to what cody says it's not all my fault. he does tend to monopolize this thing at night. i love the pics. the color one is very '70's horror movies-ish. hurry up and send mr your number, i need to hear your lovely voice!

: You finally got your card, hooray! I totally think it is all your fault that you're not online anymore. Oh where, oh where did my little Ashlee go? Oh where, oh where can she be??? She's out with Justin!!! I miss you. Hope you're living it up. Thanks about the pictures =)

: I just thought I would make an annoucement. I am in loooooove!!! I am so happy. My boyfriend treats me so amazing! You must come visit and meet him soon and understand why I love him so much. Once you meet him you'll love him too.