Company C
Pvt. Rholen
Chiles BreedenTo Gov. Pettus,
camp near Grenada 15 Jun 1862:
Dear Sir, I am a soldier in the Army and I am 54 years old on the 13th
inst and got a dispatch from my home (Brookhaven), that my wife was in
her moments of this life. I obtained a furlough from Capt. R. O. Byrne,
my captain, which was duly signed by my Col. D. N. Nuess? and then had
to give to J. B. Villipigue which he refused to sign. I have 8 children
left in a helpless condition and I wish you to intercede for me so that
I can obtain a discharge for me so that my children can have a
protection. I can obtain a petition signed by my whole camp men asking
for a discharge. I have served 2 months faithfully and am willing to
return my "Boundy" that I have drew from the government. I ask this of
you as a husband and a Father to think of 8 children left to the cold
miseries of the world without a protector, if your excellancy will spare
a moment from executory duties of your office to answer this. Inclose a
not to Gen. J. B. Villipigue for a discharge. Your voice confer a favor
on me which will never be forgotten. I remain your obedient servant, R.
C. Breeden. Direct your answer in care of Capt. R. O. Byrnes, Co. C,
33rd Regt at Grenada. R. C. Breeden.
Courtesy of
Sharon Sherry
Pvt. A.M. Summers
(Brookhaven, MS) Aug. 6, 1906.
Mr. Editor: - I see an article in your paper of July 25, 1906, signed by
J.F.G., stating that old uncle Daniel Chandler was the last of Lincoln
county, so far as he knew, of the old patriotic fathers who furnished
the boys for the Confederate army. In the above statement J.F.G. is
correct so far as I know, but he also states that he only knows three
mothers still living, and mentions them as follows: Louisa, widow of the
late Daniel Chandler. In this he is right. She furnished one--Tom, as he
was best known, who served all through the war in the 12th Mississippi
Then he mentions old Aunt Martha Jordan, a deserving and honored old
mother, but she didn't have a son in the regular service of the
Confederate army. Then he mentions our mother, Kisiah B., widow of the
late Hezekiah Summers. Now I would not detract honor from anyone whom
honor belongs, but on the other hand would have that the honor rest
where honor belongs. My mother, Kisiah B. Summers, still living and
nearing 85 years of age did furnish two boys, Z.J. Emery Summers and
A.M., who served in the 33rd Mississippi Regiment, until Z.J. Emery, on
July 22, 1864, was wounded in front of Atlanta, Ga., and made a
permanent cripple until his death, which occured at Gatesville, Texas,
in 1886. A.M., by the providence of God, was spared to return to that
venerable old mother without the shedding of one drop of blood, paroled
at the surrender of Joseph E. Johnston at Greensborough, North Carolina.
Then there is old Aunt Elizabeth or Betsey Summers, who still lives and
is right about 87 years old, and is in Lincoln County. She furnished
three of those Confederate boys--H.H., E.M., and G.L. Summers. These
three belonged to three different commands. H.H., the oldest, went out
from Louisiana and served through the struggle to the end in the
Trans-Mississippi department and was never wounded. I don't know his
regiment, Sixteenth I think. He died in Texas March, 1906. Erastus M.,
second oldest, went out from Louisiana also, in the Ninth Louisiana
Regiment and died early after reaching Virginia. He died of typhoid
pneumonia. Gwin L., the youngest of the three brothers, served with Z.J.
Emery and A.M., in the Thirty-third Mississippi Regiment until the 17th
of December, 1864, when he was captured and carried by the enemy to Camp
Chase, Ohio, where he remained until after the surrender of the
Confederacy, when he came home in July, 1865, and lived until about 1880
or 1881, and died at home. These two Summers widows, my mother and aunt,
are sisters, and while they furnished five boys, one three and the other
two, their mother was living in those days and furnished four boys; and
if they were my uncles, there were no braver men ever went to battle
than those Ham brothers. Two of them fell on bloody battle fields. Tom
H. Ham of the Twelfth Mississippi Regiment, fell at Seven Pines in front
of Richmond, Va., R. Anderson Ham, of the Thirty-third Regiment, fell at
our side, in a few feet of the cannon's mouth in front of the gin house
at Franklin, Tenn. Capt. Wm. Ham died of measles in Louisiana command,
and James D. Ham, of the Thirty-third Mississippi Regiment, the only one
of the four that survived the war died at home in 1875 or 1876. Now
remember the mother of the Ham brothers is not living. I only mention
them to show that those old mothers still living not only gave their
five sons to the Confederacy, but four brothers also. Then there is old
Aunt Becky Burns, still living, who is 86 or 87 years old, who gave a
son and a husband to the Confederate Cause. She is the mother of Joe S.
Burns of the Thirty-third Mississippi Regiment, who stained two battle
fields with his blood--first at Peachtree Creek, Ga., from which he
recovered, and returned to the army in time to get a second wound at
Franklin, Tenn., after that he got home and never returned to the army,
not being able to serve any more. Now there may be others who have
mothers living. I only can think of these four, all of Lincoln county,
and out of all mentioned there are only three of the sons living, Tom
Chandler, of Grant Parish, La., Joe S. Burns, of Copiah county, and A.M.
Summers, of Lincoln county, Miss. Tom was with Lee at Appomattox, Va.,
while A.M. was with Johnston at Greensborough, N.C. I only write that
things not get mixed but that those only who deserve honor have honor.
A.M. Summers
Bogue Chitto, Miss.
Courtesy of
David E. Godbold