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From left: A.Q. Porter, Eli Cupit, J.S. Burns, Emery Summers & O.T. Synnott. Masthead (c) 2003 David E. Godbold. USE BY PERMISSION ONLY.
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Invoice of ordnance and ordnance stores turned over to the Ordnance Department by the 33rd Mississippi Regiment during the Quarter ending June 31, A.D. 1864

   Rifles Caliber 58 11 Ball Screw
7 Bayonets for Same @ 58 1,408 Cartridges Caliber 58
18 Rifles Caliber 54 601        Do        Do    54
79 Muskets Do  69  5,691        Do        Do    69
29 Bayonets for Same 205 Haver Sacks
52 Cartridge Boxes 157 Canteens
43 Shoulder Straps 205       Do     Straps
66 Cap Pouches 28 Ammunition Boxes
80 Waist Belts 97 ? Sacks
47 Bayonet Scabbards    
44 Wipers    
15 Cone Wrenches    

I certify that the above report is a correct invoice of ordnance and ordnance stores turned over to the Ordnance Department by the 33rd Mississippi Regiment during the Quarter ending June 31, 1864, while on the retreat from Dalton, Georgia to Atlanta, Georgia on account of the want of transportation.

M. Jackson Capt.
Cmdg 33rd Miss Vols

Courtesy of Virgil Roberts

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Battle flag: Collection of the Old Capitol Museum of Mississippi History, Jackson, MS.

© 1999-2011 David E. Godbold