Captain R. O. Byrne -
Co. C - Resignation
[faded and difficult to read]
Camp Near Grenada, Miss. June ______
Col. D. W. Hurst
Cmmg. 33rd Reg.
Miss. Vols.
Dear Sir:
Permit me to tender this my Resignation as Capt. of Company C 33rd Reg.
Miss. Vols. The only reason I have to [illegible] and rendering (?) my
resignation is my health. I regret to leave the service of my Country
and the command of Officers of this Regiment who have extended to me
every respect (?) and courtesy due by a subordinate, but a sense of my
declining health, my feeblness (?) and my physical inability to perform
Military service renders (?) it imperative that I resign my office
I must therefore request that you do military honor to accept this my
resignation and forward it with the accompanying certificate to the
proper authority for Confirmation.
Very Respectfully
Your obd. servt.
Richmond 0. Byrne Capt.
Co. C 33rd Reg. Miss. Vols.
Resignation of Capt. R. O. Byrne
Recommended And Respectfully frwd. to Brig. Gen. D. Ruggles Comdg.
D. W. Hurst
Col. Comdg. 33d
Regm. Miss. Vols.
See G. O. No. 181 Par. I of
Augt. 5. 1862
Respectfully forwarded & recommended to the consideration of Genl.
Daniel Ruggles
Brig. Gen. C. S. Army
Comdg. Special Dept.
Rec. Hd. Qrs. Dept. No. 2
Recd. A. & I. G. O' Daly(?)
June 30 1862 Genl. Bragg
Hd. Qrs. Dept. No. 2
Tupelo June 30th
Approved to take
________ frm. date
Braxton Bragg
Genl. Comd.
This is to certify that
Capt. R. O. Byrne 33 reg. Miss. Volunteers Co. C, is unable to perform
the Duties of a Soldier in consequence of Dyspepsia and a recent attack
of Typhoid fever and from the evidence before me has been laboring under
an affection of the lungs for 12 years; which is a family disease. I
recommend his resignation be received and he be discharged from service.
Given this 20th June 1862.
T. J. Jackson Surg. Reg.