Colonel D. W. Hurst
Hd. Qrs. 33d Miss. Regt.
Camp Near Canton Miss.
Dec 12 1863
I herewith tender my
unconditional resignation as Colonel of the 33rd Miss. Regt. based on
the accompanying certificate of the Secretary of State of the State of
Mississippi showing my election to the office of Judge "of the High
Court of Errors & Appeals" of the state. I entered (?) the service of
the Confederate States in February 1862 and was elected Colonel (of
the) 33d Miss. Regt. in April 1862. Consequently was in the military
service about time of the Passage of the law by Congress furnished (?)
for the exemption (?) of it (&) Resignations of officers elected to civil
I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your Obd. Servt.
D. W. Hurst
Col. 33rd Miss. Regt.
Colonel D. W. Hurst
Certification of Election as Judge
Office of Secretary of State
Columbus Mississippi
I C.A. Brougher Secretary of
State do hereby certify that the foregoing page contains a true and
correct statement of the votes polled in the Second Judicial District of
the State of Mississippi for Judge of the High Court of Errors and
Appeals. That in tallying up the votes at the expiration of thirty days,
so required by law, it appeared that D. W. Hurst had received nineteen
hundred and twenty two votes (1922) and E. J. Goode had received twenty
hundred and twenty four (2024) votes giving Goode a majority of one
hundred and two (102) votes. But that afterwards, to wit: on the ninth
day of November 1863 the returns were received from the Counties of
Claiborne and Harrison (?) which added to those previously received gave
D. W. Hurst a total vote of twenty one hundred and six (2106) votes and
E. J. Goode a total of twenty hundred and ninety nine (2099) votes.
Showing a majority of seven (7) votes for D. W. Hurst. The above votes
were cast in the General Election held in the State of Mississippi on
the 5th day of October 1863.
Given under my hand and the
great Seal of the State of Mississippi
this 21st day of November 1863.
C.A. Brougher
Secy of State
Colonel D. W. Hurst Leave
of Absence
Hd. Qr. 33d Miss. Regt.
Camp Near Canton Miss.
Dec. 12th 1863
I have the honor to ask a leave of absence for thirty days having
tendered my unconditional resignation as Colonel of the 33rd Miss. Regt.
(and) on the accompanying Certificate of the Secretary of State of
Mississippi showing my election to the office of Judge of the High Court
of Errors and Appeals of the state.
I have the honor to be
Very Respt. Your obd. Srvt.
D. W. Hurst
Col. 33d Miss. Regt.
Colonel B.S. Ewell
A. A. Genl.
Endorsements on back.
Application of Colonel D. W. Hurst 33d Miss. Regt. for thirty (30) days
leave of absence having tendered his unconditional resignation based
upon Certificate from the Sec. of the State of Miss. of his Election to
the office of Judge of High Court of Error & Appeal.
Hd. Qs's near Canton Dec 12th 1863.
Approved & respectfully forwarded.
W.S. Featherston
Brig. Gen'l. comd'g.
Resignation Notice From
Sec.of War Re: Col. D. W. Hurst, 33d MS Infantry - Jan 5, 1864
Adjutant and Inspector
General's office,
Richmond, (jany 5th) 1863 (written over to 1864)
No. 3 )
I. The Resignations of the
following named officers have been accepted by the President, to take
effect to-day:
Colonel D. W. Hurst, 33rd
Miss. Vols.
By command of the Secretary
of War
Jno. Withers,
Assistant Adjutant General
His Excellency,
Gov. Charles Clark
Columbus, Miss