Capt. John T. Lamkin -
Co. E Resignation
Camp of 33rd Miss. Regmnt.
near Enterprise Miss.
Sept. 9th 1863
To S. Cooper Adjt. & Insp. General C. S.
Richmond, Va.
I herewith tender my resignation as Captain of Company E 33rd Miss Regt.
of Infantry, and respectfully refer you to the annexed Surgeons'
certificate for the causes which impel me to do so. Asking your
favorable consideration of the same.
I am very respectfully &c
John T. Lamkin Capt.
Co. E 33d Miss. Regmnt.

Camp 33rd Miss. Regt.
Enterprise Miss.
Sept. 9th 1863
John T. Lamkin Capt. of Co.
E 33rd Regt. Miss. Vol. having applied for a Certificate on which to
ground an application for a resignation of his office.
I certify that I have carefully examined this officer and find that he
has Spinal Irritation in a severe form which render him incapable of
performing the duties of his office. He has suffered more or less with
this affliction for the past eleven months. During this time he has not
been able to perform the duties of his office more than one Month. I
further declare it as my belief that he will not recover in any definite
time from the fact of his age which is (52) fifty two years, and his
weight which is (250) two hundred and fifty pounds. I therefore
recommend that his resignation be received.
Andrew McCarty
Asst. Surg. 33rd Miss. Regt. Vol.
