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Army List




Welcome to "Codex Chaos", a one-stop resource for background information regarding the Chaos Space Marine armies of Warhammer 40K. All documents listed herein are copyrighted Games Workshop. With the exception of spelling and grammar editing they remain in their original form, no words were changed or moved from their original print in Codex Chaos ©1996. I created this site as the old codex is out of print and the new Codex Chaos ©1999 lacks this information, which I feel is necessary for truly understanding the army as it is used in the game.

Death Dealer

Were You Expecting God?


Codex Chaos - Archives


In this directory you will find countless stories revolving around the Chaos Space Marines and the dark forces of Chaos. This, weary traveller, is the heart and soul of Codex Chaos. All of the documents contained herein are copyrighted Games Workshop Ltd, 1996, and as such I can not and will not take any credit for any of the work other than allowing the general public access to these long forgotten archives. The only thing I ask is that you enjoy these masterpieces as much as I have...

--Death Dealer--


This is the tale of the creation of the Chaos Space Marines over a millinia ago from the onslaught of Horus Heresy to the raging Battle For Armageddon. This will explain the origin of the Chaos Space Marines and quite possibly some of their deeper secrets.

Horus Heresy Part I

Horus Heresy Part II

Horus Heresy Part III

Horus Heresy Part IV

Horus Heresy Part V

Horus Heresy Part VI

Horus Heresy Part VII

Post Heresy Imperium

Black Crusades

Battle For Armageddon


Here we find the dark gods of Chaos in all their forms and abilities. These archives help to explain the Chaos Gods origins, alliances and goals. Heed well this warning, fore the dark powers are not to be taken lightly lest your soul be the price you pay.






Behold the mighty forces of Chaos! These are the personal historical documents surrounding each of the Chaos Space Marine Legions, otherwise known as the Traitor Legions, and those others formerly of the Imperial forces that have donned the marks of Chaos. The following are all enigmatic and devout in their pursuit of Chaos with supreme and unwavering loyalty and prejudice.

Alpha Legion

Black Legion

Death Guard

Emperor's Children

Fallen Angels

Iron Warriors

Night Lords

Red Corsairs

Thousand Sons

Word Bearers

World Eaters


What good is an army without it's leaders? Not very much in my humble opinion, and the Chaos Space Marines are no exception to this. These archives contain files on the most illustrious and notorious of those that stand under the banner of Chaos.

Abaddon The Despoiler



Fabius Bile

Huron Blackheart

Kharn The Betrayer