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Welcome to "Codex Chaos", a one-stop resource for background information regarding the Chaos Space Marine armies of Warhammer 40K. All documents listed herein are copyrighted Games Workshop. With the exception of spelling and grammar editing they remain in their original form, no words were changed or moved from their original print in Codex Chaos ©1996. I created this site as the old codex is out of print and the new Codex Chaos ©1999 lacks this information, which I feel is necessary for truly understanding the army as it is used in the game.

Death Dealer

Were You Expecting God?


Codex Chaos - Archives: Abaddon The Despoiler


Abaddon the despoiler. Abaddon the archfiend. Abaddon who has led Black Crusades without number against the horrified worlds of mankind's fragile Imperium. An inhuman monster whose name has become a tenfold curse for the ten thousand years of terror he has rained upon the galaxy he once helped conquer in the name of the Emperor.

Long ago Abaddon was a great hero, a mighty warrior who battled in humanity's wars of expansion and retribution. He was captain of the Luna Wolves' 1st Company during the Great Crusade and followed Horus from ancient Terra to conquer the distant stars. The Luna Wolves battled across uncounted worlds to free them from alien tyranny or the taint of Chaos and Abaddon was ever at the fore. He worshipped the Warmaster like a god and Horus treated him as his most favored son, indeed some whispered that he was in truth the clone-son of the Primarch himself, product of the earliest Primogenitor experimentation. None were prouder than he when the Emperor renamed the Legion the Sons of Horus in honor of the Warmaster's accomplishments in the Ullanor Crusade.

When the Heresy came it was clear that Abaddon's loyalty was to his Primarch and not the distant Emperor of Mankind. He led the Terminator armored Sons of Horus in campaigns on Istvaan, Yarant and in the siege of the Imperial palace on Earth. Abaddon fought Imperial Fists Terminators aboard Horus's battle barge in the final trap the Warmaster laid to destroy the Emperor, and his anguish at Horus's defeat in that final conflict drove him deeper into madness and hatred than any mortal should ever sink.

Abaddon led the Sons of Horus in a furious counter-attack that reclaimed the body of his beloved Warmaster and drove the Imperial forces from his battle barge. For himself he took Horus's lightning claw, tearing it from the Warmaster's armor with a howl of hatred, which echoed through the great ship. As the rebel fleet scattered in confusion Horus's great battle barge disappeared into warp space and set course for the Eye of Terror. Abaddon passed from mortal space and into legend.

When Abaddon returned it was at the head of a diabolic horde, which ravaged entire systems around the Eye of Terror before the Imperium could muster the strength to halt it. Planet after planet fell in an apocalypse of fire and steel before his traitor legionaries. The hordes of Abaddon were only driven back at a bitter cost by the combined efforts of Titan Legions and Space Marine Chapters and this was but the first of Abaddon's "black crusades" against the Imperium. Abaddon dreams of forging a diabolic empire of his own from the blazing ruins of the shattered Imperium. Each world, each city destroyed, is a step closer to wiping the canvas clean so that he can make his mark upon the galaxy.

During the first Black Crusade Abaddon made many bloody pacts with the infernal powers. In the crypts below the Tower of Silence on Uralan Abaddon recovered a demon sword of prodigious power. He battled his way through the haunted labyrinth to the great inner chamber where the blade had languished in stasis for millennia. With the howling demon blade in his fist Abaddon became nigh on unstoppable. Whole cities were burned in sacrifice to the ever-hungry demons of Chaos, and entire armies were torn apart by gibbering warp entities. Abaddon's power swelled to inhuman proportions as the gods of chaos rewarded him lavishly and he undertook acts of fiendish bravery, which horrified those who stood against him.

At El'Phanor he led the charge against the gates of the Citadel of Kromarch. The Kromarch had built his fortress well. It had only one gate and that was solid adamantium fully three meters thick. Only one in ten of those that followed Abaddon through the barrage of fire from the walls reached the gates and there they were trapped by heavy bolters to left and right. But Abaddon held aloft his demon sword, black fires burning along its edges, and swept it down with a deafening bellow of fury. The gates were harder than diamond and stronger than steel but they split like cordwood before that blow and demons feasted on the Kromarch and his kin that night.

When the Blood Angels joined battle against the horde at Mackan Abaddon singled out the sons of Sanguinius with cold, implacable fury. He led a band of Khorne Berzerkers into the teeth of the Blood Angels' Devastator positions. Only a handful of Berzerkers reached the hilltop strong point but even the Blood Angels' own assault troops could not dislodge the frenzied warband and recapture the bodies of their fallen comrades.

Abaddon has led twelve Black Crusades against the Imperium. Some have been great invasions of whole Legions of the last and the damned; others have been vicious raids with only a few companies of the most deadly Chaos Space Marines at his command. Each attack has sent the Imperium reeling and ravaged worlds close to the Eye of Terror. The High Lords of Terra live in fear of the day that Abaddon unites all of the Traitor Legions into an unstoppable horde and returns to play out the last acts of treachery begun by Horus ten thousand years ago.

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