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Welcome to "Codex Chaos", a one-stop resource for background information regarding the Chaos Space Marine armies of Warhammer 40K. All documents listed herein are copyrighted Games Workshop. With the exception of spelling and grammar editing they remain in their original form, no words were changed or moved from their original print in Codex Chaos ©1996. I created this site as the old codex is out of print and the new Codex Chaos ©1999 lacks this information, which I feel is necessary for truly understanding the army as it is used in the game.

Death Dealer

Were You Expecting God?


Codex Chaos - Archives: Fabius Bile


Fabius Bile has traveled the galaxy more widely than any other lord of the Traitor Legions. On Dimmamar he is known as the Chem-master, on Arden IX and in the Bray system he is called Manflayer, to the wretched tribes living among the ravaged hives of Paramar V he is the Clonelord. He calls himself 'Primogenitor', claiming that he has unlocked the secrets of the Emperor's work in the creation of the Primarchs and the first Space Marines.

Bile's alchemical knowledge and skills at genetic manipulation can be attested to by every planet he has had contact with, for he has left a trail of foul deviants and twisted abominations wherever his ships have landed. His name has become a curse to the Adeptus of Earth as his pollution of mankind's gene-pool has become ever more apparent. Whole populations have had to be wiped out by the Adeptus Astartes as they attempt to purge Bile's creations with fire and sword. Mostly they find once-civilized planets populated by ragged hordes of debased, diabolic monsters.

However, in several battles the Emperor's Space Marines have encountered fierce resistance from a hardened cadre of enhanced humans that fight with the strength and cunning of devils. These altered spawn of Bile's experimentation exhibit strength, speed and intelligence many times higher than the human norm and are depraved, psychotic killers. These are Bile's proudest creations, the pinnacle of his arts, the New Man he would see spread throughout the galaxy: fickle, selfish, obsessive, aggressive, treacherous, murderous. Each of man's worst traits has been bred into these creatures and married with the psychology of a tyrant and the strength of a madman. Even the Inquisition do not know how many of these abominations have escaped into the galaxy but they do know they are almost impossible to locate until their incipient psychosis sends them on a manic killing spree.

Bile is a renegade even from his own Legion. He held the position of lieutenant commander of the Emperor's Children at the time of the Heresy. The Emperor's Children invaded Earth with Horus but took little direct part in the fighting around the Imperial palace. Instead they descended upon the civilian population of the administratum, the complex infrastructure of clerks, bureaucrats, curators and menials who coordinated the efforts of the far flung Imperium. Whole families of staid scribes and haughty prefects fleeing the battle zone were hunted down by the Emperor's Children and incarcerated in dreadful conditions. More than a million prisoners were rendered down to supply an array of stimulants and intoxicants for the corrupt renegades as they sought ever wilder pleasures.

Perhaps it was at this time that Fabius Bile started along the dark pathway which would bring such woe to whole planetary populations. he was certainly foremost in experimenting on living prisoners, keeping them alive in their torment for weeks at a time. Even amidst the carnage of the Heresy his fascination was with life, not death. Bile aided the Emperor's Children as they slipped further into the embrace of Slaanesh, altering their brain chemistry to sharpen their senses and connecting their pleasure centers to their nervous system so that any stimulus would bring them unholy joy. But as the Emperor's Children lost themselves in sensuality Bile moved further and further from them.

Bile left Earth before Horus's defeat, accompanied by a handful of altered followers. he moved through the war-torn Imperium from planet to planet, system to system offering his assistance to the rebel forces in exchange for prisoners, genetic samples or ancient technical libra. Many ambitious planetary overlords came to rue the day they joined their fates with Fabius Bile as his atrocities and acts of mass genocide often repelled even their own supporters. Nonetheless the assistance that Bible could offer was potent. His serums could transform mediocre defense troopers into ravening super-soldiers or he could use the black technology of cloning to mobilize thousands of 'perfect warriors' within a matter of months.

But all the spawn of Bile's experiments could not hold back the furious tide of loyalists that boiled outward from ravaged Terra. Retribution finally caught Bile in the Arden sytem, where he was supporting the excesses of the renegade lord Tyrell in exchange for fetal material. The Adeptus Astartes plummeted down upon the corrupted world of Arden IX like fiery angels of vengeance. The flesh refineries and cloning vats burned in a single night before the righteous fury of Space Marines of the Salamanders Chapter and Bile had to flee once more. This time he barely escaped with his own life as his ship was crippled by an Imperial Gothic class cruiser as it fled into the dubious safety of the warp.

Like much of the flotsam of warp space Bile's vessel was drawn into the Eye of Terror. He drifted there for an age until by chance or the design of some dark god his ship was caught in the gravity well of an ancient demon world. Once it had been one of the planets which harbored the brilliant, scintillating civilization of the Eldar before their spectacular fall from grace. Now it was a crone world of twisted darkness and crawling madness and here Bile made his new home.

He soon discovered that the shattered Traitor Legions in the Eye of Terror had desperate need of his services: they needed cloned warriors and slaves by the score but most of all they needed the precious progenoid gene-seed organs to create more Space Marine warriors so that they could attack the Imperium with renewed vigor. Fabius Bile eventually negotiated a delicate position with the Traitor Legions. They each needed his services but he refused to aid any one Legion more than any other. In this way his safety has, thus far, been assured.

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