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Army List




Welcome to "Codex Chaos", a one-stop resource for background information regarding the Chaos Space Marine armies of Warhammer 40K. All documents listed herein are copyrighted Games Workshop. With the exception of spelling and grammar editing they remain in their original form, no words were changed or moved from their original print in Codex Chaos ©1996. I created this site as the old codex is out of print and the new Codex Chaos ©1999 lacks this information, which I feel is necessary for truly understanding the army as it is used in the game.

Death Dealer

Were You Expecting God?


Codex Chaos - Archives: Huron Blackheart


Huron Blackheart, Master of the Red Corsairs. Lufgt Huron, Tyrant of Badab. Two insane and power hungry eneimes of the Imperium at different times, one and the same individual. Huron was critically injured by a melta blast near to the end of the siege of Badab in the fighting inside the Palace of Thorns. The Astral Claws had sworn to fight to the death protecting their Chapter Master and their home world but when they saw that Badab was lost they took Huron and fought their way past the Imperial blockade in a handful of surviving ships. Once away from the Badab system they dived into the Maelstrom to evade the pursuing Imperial ships and so joined the horde of renegades and heretics that had sought refuge in the Maelstrom for millennia.

The Tyrant lived. One side of his body had to be almost entirely reconstructed with bionics, the Techmarines and Apothecaries standing long vigils over him while the Astral Claws' ships hung in the shifting dust and gas of the Maelstrom. On the eighth day the Tyrant could speak again and he ordered his tiny fleet to seek a new home world to conquer. By the twelfth day Huron could stand and donned his power armor once more. His fanatical followers hailed his recovery as a miracle, but if it was a miracle of any kind it was a black one.

Huron's limited forces were still great enough to overcome the first pirate stronghold he found within a matter hours. The defeated pirates became his slaves and soon learned to fear his fury. Huron Blackheart was born.

Huron's power spread quickly as he welded together a piratical empire of heretics and renegades. Huron's dreaded Space Marines became known as the Red Corsairs for the blood-red markings they used to obliterate their old Chapter symbols and the Imperial heraldry. The artifice pleased Huron greatly and all of the Renegade Space Marines who have joined him since have kept their old Chapter colors, but with parts of their armor repainted red to show their new allegiance.

The Red Corsairs have grown into a force to be reckoned with and their raids out of the Maelstrom have become more frequent and more bloody over the decades. Worst of all, the Inquisition has become increasingly disturbed by the number of individual Space Marines and occasionally whole squads that have disappeared only to reappear in the armies of Huron Blackheart.

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