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Welcome to "Codex Chaos", a one-stop resource for background information regarding the Chaos Space Marine armies of Warhammer 40K. All documents listed herein are copyrighted Games Workshop. With the exception of spelling and grammar editing they remain in their original form, no words were changed or moved from their original print in Codex Chaos ©1996. I created this site as the old codex is out of print and the new Codex Chaos ©1999 lacks this information, which I feel is necessary for truly understanding the army as it is used in the game.

Death Dealer

Were You Expecting God?


Codex Chaos - Archives: Kharn The Betrayer


Kharn has dedicated his millennia-long existence to unleashing bloody carnage upon anyone and anything within reach. He is drawn by the scent of war as a hungering hound is drawn by fresh meat and it has become impossible to tally his slaying. Even in the Great Crusade when he fought in the assault companies of the Worldeaters Legion he was known to be a brilliant but unstable warrior. Indeed, the whole Worldeaters legion was viewed as excessively bloodthirsty and dangerously over-zealous in the suppression of planets that had not even defied the Emperor's will. When the Heresy came Kharn gladly led his warriors against his brother Marines, most notoriously in the drop site massacres on Istvaan V.

In the siege of the Imperial palace he was at the forefront of every assault. When Horus was defeated Kharn already lay dead and horribly mangled upon a mound of corpses at the walls of the inner palace. His fellow Worldeaters carries his corpse away with them as they fought their way back to their ships. Once on board they discovered that by some dark miracle Kharn still lived. Whether Khorne himself breathed life into the Berzerker's body or whether the relentless clamor of war revived his indomitable spirit remains a mystery, but since the Heresy Kharn has survived the bloodiest battles of his age and never come so close to death again.

He is called the Betrayer because he will slay those that follow him almost as readily as those that oppose him. The Worldeaters legionaries learned that bitter lesson shortly after they reached the Eye of Terror as they fought against the Legion of the Emperor's Children for possession of a demon world called Skalathrax.

On Skalathrax howling winds carved an endless landscape of black rock and white ice. Stark black cities of twisting towers clutched at the leaden skies like winter-struck trees. The Legions fought and the Worldeaters drove the Emperor's Children back from city after city with their bloody assaults. At the last and greatest city the Worldeaters sensed victory was near; they needed to inflict just one more defeat on the Emperor's Children to claim the planet as their own. The battle had to be won now, before Skalathrax's long, dark night drew in and froze victor and vanquished alike if they were not in shelter.

Flames lashed the skies and blood ran in the streets as the Worldeaters hurled themselves at the foe. Every arched door and slitted window seemed to spit fire at the berzerk warriors but they stormed onward, chain-axes biting into armor and flesh as they overran their foes. Sonic blasters swept streets clear again and again but the chosen of Khorne fought on with the strength of madmen until only a few pockets of resistance survived. There the attack was halted as darkness fell.

Kharn cursed his fellow warriors for seeking shelter while their enemies still lived. Seizing a flamer, he span around torched the nearest buildings in a gesture of contempt. When his brother Marines tried to stop him he cut them down like corn and disappeared into the gloom, the serpent's tongue of his flamer bursts licking out again and again to consume the city. The howling winds spread the fires quickly and soon pure anarchy prevailed as the Legionaries fought each other and the fires for what shelter remained. Through the mayhem strode Kharn, slaughtering any that he found, friend or foe, the bright flames flickering from his blood-splattered armor as he wielded his shrieking chain-axe in an arc of whirling death.

After that night of madness the Worldeaters were scattered into separate companies fighting all across the Eye of Terror. Many still bear a burning hatred of Kharn for his actions but others admire his single-minded devotion to slaughter. Kharn has led warbands of Khorne Berzerkers and other forces in uncounted battles, victory is always his but his followers seldom survive to see it. Now only the most dedicated, or insane, warriors will follow him, but this is of no consequence to the Betrayer who live only to slay in Khorne's name.

Kharne is a blood-soaked ravager, favored by Khorne the lord of battles as one of his most insane and deadly Berzerkers, and exalted champion of butchery and mayhem.

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