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***Soft Poetry By Sand***

In a forest of lilac, where unicorns thrive
The rivers run backwards and butterflies cry .

The sun shines at midnight and rainbows appear
To add magic and enchantment in a land far and near.

Unicorns trod on a road made of gold
There's fields filled with fairies where stories are told

Mystical creatures hide out of sight
Waiting for midnight to see mornings light

Clouds made of shimmery aqua appear
They travel so slowly they never get near

Silvery raindrops fall from the sky
Covering the land with a soft lullabye.


Oh ... giggles and smiles
I see you must
love faeries too,

Or maybe you still have
just a touch of a child
Hidden deep within
a special place
within your heart!

I really am so glad
You stopped by
for a little visit!

Ssshhh, now, mustn't
frighten any of
The Wee Fae or Elfin folk away!!

Oh, ~*~Faery AngelBliss~*~,
also known as "WhispyAngel",
is so very honored
and thrilled
to have found this wonderful group
of "Faery Believers".

If you can still
believe in the sometimes

wonderful, unseen magical places
that our hearts,
minds and spirits
took us as wee children...

Then come fly along with me
into the magical sky
that can take you to
those special magical places

where we long to
visit and rest a spell

Just take hold
of my Membership Plaque
and Wings below...

For they shall
surely carry you
to that special group of
"Faery Believers" and Faery Magic

Ah, but if you care
to stay a spell
and visit with me in my
special Faery Land Magic...

I would be so thrilled to chat
and maybe even entertain you a bit...

I am so happy & thrilled
to make your acquaintance
my kind spirited friend...

Come along ... let's visit
just a wee bit more...
Just click onto the lil spot
that says next to
spend a wee bit more time
in my "Faery Magic Land"


Please Do Me A Great Kindess
Sign GuestBook On My Homepage.."Thanks"
I will be sure to visit your site..I'd really love to come visit...giggles


Oh..giggles..look at my beautiful faery wings

