Fantasy Fighters Fight With The Magic Spirit WHISPY REALM

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WhispyAngel Welcomes You
Please Enter My Realm

Your Guide Will Be
I, WhispyAngel also, known as HappiAngel

Tis the flutter of Angels' wings
Whisping into our lives
Angels whisping in
Upon us my friend
Bringing protection and blessings
For me and for you
Sent from heaven above
From Our Heavenly Father
With all of His love.

written by

Angels Fly Into My Realm

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Hark Hear The Flutter Of Wings...Why It Is Fantasy Fighters Spreading The Magic Of Their Happy Spirit Everywhere

This Is Fae Flora
She Is Here To Guard This Realm And All Who Come To Visit
"Flora" For Love's Outpouring--Ready Always

I adopted my beautiful Limited Edition Pixie from Enchanted Hollow
I just love her ..don't you!?!

Do you enjoy beautiful, sometimes even magical looking dolls.... Well then, you may want to take the time to view some of the ones I have collected. I did not make them....they are only treasures I have found and appreciate! Follow my doll to take you there! I'll be waiting!

Click On The Faery To Visit My site for a Group of Faery-Magic Believers

A Gift From Purple Faery....thanks! :0)

Whispy's PreMade Sig Designs
My Pages have been made using my LBB
my little webtv Sony Plus Unit
I would love for you to check out my
my premade sigs for your emails.
Just click on the above link.

"Please Don't Forget To Sign My Guest Book"


On The Bottom Of Next Page If This One's Not Working...Thanks ..You're An "Angel"

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~*~ Art Work By ~*~

"Jonathon Earl Bowser"

Painting: "Cathedral"

Jonathon Earl Bowser

~ My Thanks To WOSIB ~

For This Graphics Set



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Thank You For My Good Luck Spirit Stick ~SpiritPatrol

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