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WhispyAngel's Garden Of Flowers

The Season Of Beltane & Flowers
Northern Hemisphere: May 1
Southern Hemisphere: November 1

Beltane, sometimes called Lady Day or May Day, is a fertility holiday.

Crops are blessed for the coming year, and dancing around the phallic may-pole is a tradition still carried on today by some people.

As a little girl, living in Hawaii.....I loved this time....
We called in May Day and we would all bring beautiful flowers to school
for a beautiful celebration and the May-Pole dance!

Fertility bursts forth from the shell that once contained it and the greenery of the Earth is fast returning in full-force.

Beltane marks the start of summer, and is a time for feasting, merry-making, celebration, and joy.
It is a time to look outward and forward to the future, and to prepare for the warm summer months ahead.
It is also a time for love, union and the sacred marriage which honors the fertility of the Earth.

Red, White, Pink and Greens,

Traditional Foods

Green Herbal Salads, Red Fruits, Wine, Oatmeal or Barley cakes, Red or Pink Punch

Herbs and Growths

Pine, Hawthorn, Rosemary, Frankincense, Almond, Angelica,

Marigold, Lilac, Bluebells, Daisy

Focus of Beltane:

Beltane is a time of self-discovery, love, union and developing your potential for personal growth.

It is a time to look outward and forward to the future, and to prepare for the warm summer months ahead.

Now stroll with me through my Flower Garden
Don't forget to pick some flowers for yourself
Just remember to transfer them to your own files
I would also love it ...if you would give a link back to me !
Now enjoy My Flower Garden
It is always the season for flowers here...

    Two Roses

Black Dripping Rose

Blue Butterfiles & Flowers

Blue Rose Bar

Butterfly & Flowers


Flower Gate

Pink Flowers & Butterfly

Rose Mask Line

Silver Rose

More of my flowers to smell

Single Rose

Single Rose Line

Small Blue Flower

Rose Bar

Animated Grapes


Yellow Rose

Blue Rose Ball

Dogwood Branch

Small Flowers With Ribbon

WhispyAngel Loves To Tend Her Garden

So Do Come Back and Be Sure To Reload When You Do For The Freshest Flowers

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