Come With Me Along My Whispy Path Come With Me Along My Whispy Path
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When morning is upon me
My heart so filled with ease
I bathe within the special glow
Of peaceful harmony

Alone within my thoughts now
This special place my own
Gather thoughts within my mind
These minutes mine alone

No one here to see me
I need this special place
To help me gather daydreams
This is my saving grace

Ponder through my life now
With thoughts that beckon me
Catch the glimpse of beauty
Reflections that I see

Water now will soothe me
Give my soul repair
Gentle beads now clinging
This feeling can't compare

Take this time to gather
The blessings of this day
With hope and love to follow
No dreams are far away.

Francine Pucillo ~
Šused with permission
If you would enjoy using this poem just 
e-mail Ms. Pucillo by clicking on her name and ask her permission.
Read more of her poetry here.

Why Hello There ...
Is That The Sound Of Angel Wings
Why Yes It Is...Come In
Stay Awhile...Give Your Wings A Rest
Stroll With Me Down The Path
Angels...I Welcome Your Company

You know..Angels Love To Give Gifs
Yes, Upon Their Wings Of Blessings
They Carry Gifs To Share
With Those In Need Of Kindness

Angel Friend.....Are You Ready
Why Not Take A Gif To Share
Or Maybe Send Someone A Poem
To Let Them Know You Care
Or Something To Inspire Someone
Just Show Them How Much You Care

Yes, My Angels...Share A Bit Of Cheer
Spread Some Happiness
Blessings From Above
That Is What Angels Bring
To Those Who Are In Need Of These Things
Angel..Have A Peak
Stroll Down My Path
See What Lies Ahead
Angel, Do You Need Inspiration
Has Your Wing Been Injured

Not To Worry...Our God Sees
Our God Hears and He Cares
Our God Restores and He Makes Anew
Our Gods Heals and Delivers
He Is The Great I Am

Our God Heals and Forgives
He Is Ful Of Mercy and Grace
Our God Is A God Of Love
As He Has Blessed Us
So Let Us Bless Others

Angel Hugs and Blessings

~ Whispy's Path~






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Do Come Back...Many Angels Make..
Great Strength & much Love To Share