I Know, I Know, The Maccabees

fan fiction for The Sentinel by: Michelle Gussow

"Who fought Antiochus? Tell me please," Jim Ellison sang absently as he prepared dinner. "I know, I know, the Maccabees," he answered himself in song. He chopped green peppers asking himself musically, "Who saved the temple? Tell me please." And he answered, "I know, I know, the Maccabees."

It was at this point Blair Sandburg entered the loft. Hearing Jim sing the third and final query about who gave us Chanukah, he ambled to the kitchen, his eyebrows raised and a look of pure amusement on his face. "I know, I know, the Maccabees," Blair joined Jim causing his roommate to jump.

"Don't ever sneak up on me like that," Jim admonished.

"Sneak up on a sentinel?"

"Give me a break. I have it turned down."

Blair snagged a piece of green pepper. "So, man, what's with the kiddie song anyway?"

Jim blushed. "Michelle is working with a preschool on a Chanukah program. I spent the morning watching them rehearse. I guess it stuck in my head." He deftly swept the chopped veggies into a pot. "So, Chief, you have plans for Sunday?"

Blair chuckled slightly as he leaned against the counter. "Why do I have to feeling that I am going to a Chanukah play?"

"Come on, Chief, it'll be fun."

Blair sighed. "Jim, listening to a bunch of three and four-year-olds singing off key... differently, is not my idea of an enjoyable evening."

Jim dropped a hand on Blair's shoulder. "But you'll do it for me, right?"

"Aw, Jim..."

"Chelle needs extra help with the refreshments," he admitted. "And besides, it's afternoon." Then he gave Blair one of his most pathetic pleading looks. "For me," he repeated.

Blair just silently nodded.


"Admit it, Chief, the day wasn't so bad." Jim produced a key and let them into the loft.

"Could have been worse," Blair made his way to the refrigerator and retrieved a bottle of water.

Jim closed the door. "Hey, I even got to bring home the extra jelly donuts," he announced holding up the bag.

Blair rolled his eyes as he drank.

Jim deposited the bag on the counter, took the bottle from Blair's hands, drank and returned it. "Forget the donuts. The program was NOT that bad."

"Yeah, especially since I was doing all the work," the young man complained. "Your idea of helping out at this thing was kissing Michelle under the giant paper mache dreidel."

Jim shrugged, amused. "What can I say. There wasn't any mistletoe. Had to make do."

Blair set the bottle on the counter. "Let's just drop it. It's time to light the candles." He attempted to move passed his friend.

"Hold off a minute, Chief," Jim said putting his arm out to halt him. Blair gave him a what now look. "Stay here." Jim turned and headed for the stairs. He continued talking as he ascended the flight to his room and returned with a wrapped package. "Chanukah came up on us kind of suddenly this year. I didn't really have time to think about it."

"Except for a certain program," Blair teased, interrupting.

Jim ignored the taunt. He stopped in front of his friend. "And with Thanksgiving and all... Well, I know tonight's the third night but... well, here." He sheepishly handed over the package.

Blair tore into it. "Chocolate Maccabees?" he questioned amused.

Jim cast his eyes downward. "Sorry, Chief, I know it's not really much of a present..."

Blair reached out to touch Jim's arm. "Hey, Big Guy, it's okay. You know in many central american cultures chocolate was highly valued." He paused. "Besides, Chanukah isn't about the presents. It's about the miracle of the oil that lasted for eight days."

Jim looked up. "Did you always think that way, Chief?"

Blair shook his head. "Nah. I guess most of my life I wasn't one to believe in miracles. Miracles just seemed like something that happened to people thousands of years ago, if at all."

"What changed that?"

Blair pinned Jim with a gaze as if to silently say, "What do you think?"

His friend must have heard the unspoken answer. "Me?"

Blair suddenly felt uneasy. He moved to lay the box of chocolates on the table. He turned to find Jim had followed.

Jim ran his hand down Blair's arm. "Chief?"

"Yeah, you," Blair blurted. "Finding you ... I guess I consider it some kind of miracle. Dumb huh?"

"Not dumb, Junior." He smiled reassuringly. "I think it's a miracle at times that you've put up with me as long as you have."

"Put up with you? Jim, man, I love you. But I guess you know that... as much as I say it."

Jim's hand moved to cup Blair's cheek. "I do know. And it's okay to keep saying it. It's nice to hear." He paused briefly. "Love you too. Very much. But as often as I say it..."

"I know it," Blair finished for him. "You're right it does feel good to hear."

Jim lowered his hand. "Know what else would feel good?" Not waiting for an answer he opened his arms. "Come here," he ordered softly.

Blair moved in to the embrace, wrapping his arms around Jim in return. Jim turned his head to place a firm kiss on Blair's cheek. A few moments passed before Jim grumbled jokingly into his friend's ear, "Are you going to kiss me or do I have to wait for Christmas?"

Blair laughed as he pressed his lips to the side of Jim's face.

Jim pulled back, still holding Blair by the arms. "Thank you. You know there is something to be said for how we handled our friendship ceremony. I don't have to wait..."

"Jim," Blair held his hands up to form a 'T'. "Time out, man. I get it." He turned to the box of candy on the table. "Here, Big Guy, have a Maccabee. You know, the word Maccabee actually means hammer. So at Chanukah we are really talking about this group of rebels who were labeled hammers."

Jim smiled, "Michelle told me," he confessed. "But does this mean that the original captain on the show Emergency was actually Dick Maccabee?"

