Jim threw back his covers and swung his legs around. He had decided earlier that if Sandburg wasn't sleeping he was going to do something about it. He made his way down the stairs and to the French doors where he paused. Sandburg would accuse him of over-protecting and mother henning. Deciding he could live with that he opened the door.
Blair was on his back on the futon, his left leg bent at the knee. He was rocking it back and forth in some sort of rhythmic motion. Jim padded to the side of the small bed and trapped Blair's knee with his hand putting a halt to the movement.
"Jim? Did I wake you?"
Jim lowered himself to a sitting position on the bed as Blair lowered his leg. "No. I never got to sleep. Sound familiar?"
Blair knew his sleepless nights could not have gotten past his sentinel. "So, I've had insomnia. So what? No big deal."
"Chief, it is a big deal. You and I both know how lack of sleep affects you."
Blair rolled his eyes. "So... what... then? You gonna forfeit sleep too? No way, man."
Jim squeezed the leg that was still under his hand. "Who said anything about that. After all insomnia is nothing to lose sleep over." He decided to go for the joke but Sandburg just groaned. "Okay, not funny. Seriously, I'm going to help you get to sleep."
"How many sominex I gotta take."
Jim laughed. "No pills, Chief. Come on roll over on your stomach." He tried to ease him over.
"I told you. I'm going to help you get to sleep."
"On my stomach?"
"Humor me."
Blair cautiously complied keeping an eye on Jim as he shifted. When he was settled Jim began a gentle patting between his shoulder blades. Blair raised himself up against the touch. "What... are... you doing?"
Jim pushed Blair back to the bed. "Just trust me here." He continued the patting. After about a minute a Yiddish lullaby rose from Jim's lips.
Blair lifted his head and turned to throw his friend a look. "Jim, have you acquired sentinel insanity?"
Jim responded by pushing Blair's head back to the pillow.
"Man, I'm sorry I ever suggested you start dating Professor Futterman," Blair said, only half way teasing.
Jim stopped singing. "I'm not dating her. She just happened to teach me some things." He resumed the song.
"Lullaby," Blair mumbled. G-d, this was embarrassing. A grown man being sung a lullaby... by another grown man. Oh, man.
Now Jim was humming as the patting continued.
"Jim," Blair raised his head again. "I'm still awake. Why don't you give it up. It's not going to work."
Again Jim guided Blair's head to the pillow. "That's because you're too busy thinking this is silly instead of letting it relax you. Come on, Chief. This is Jim here. Remember. Blessed Protector and all that." He stroked Blair's hair. "You know I'd never do anything just to make you feel silly."
The patting and humming resumed. Blair closed his eyes reflecting on what Jim had said. He knew Jim wouldn't do anything to make him feel foolish. Besides, if someone walked in they'd see him, former army ranger sweetly singing to his partner while keeping a steady, comforting rhythm on his back. And it didn't seem to bother him any.
Listening to the low hum from Jim Blair snuggled into the pillow. He actually felt himself relax under the ministrations. For a moment he just concentrated on the action thinking about what he'd known all along. How Jim really must love him... a lot. With those reassurances playing in his brain Blair succumbed.