House Rules #???

Blair was relieved that the day was finally over. He shook his head as he lay back on his bed and tried to relax. It had started in the morning, continued on into the afternoon and proceeded through the evening.

"Sandburg, get your clothes off the bathroom floor!... Sandburg, turn that g-d awful racket down!... Sandburg, your hair is clogging the drain again!... Sandburg, how many times do I have to tell you..."

The name Sandburg had been spoken more times that day than by Harry Carey announcing a 1993 Cubs game. Yeah, Jim, you really earned the humanitarian of the year award today. What a lousy way to spend what could have been a perfectly good Saturday.

With a feeling of complete irritation Blair finally succumbed to a restless sleep.

Jim sat on the blue couch in the living-room staring at the fine lines in the ceiling. Only moments before he had detected the sound of Blair falling into a disquieting sleep. He shook his head in disgust with himself. 'Nice going, Ellison. You and your house rules. All I did all day was ride the poor kid. Must've sounded like a nagging fishwife.' Jim leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees. 'Didn't say one kind word to him all day.' He glanced to the small bedroom. 'Got to remember to tell him how I feel. Not just criticize. What do I have to do- make a rule for myself to remember.' He rose suddenly. 'Not a bad idea.'

Jim padded softly into Blair's room and made his way to the bed where he eased himself on the edge. He put his hand on Blair's shoulder and shook lightly. "Sandburg. Chief, wake up," he said quietly.

Blair's eyes fluttered and he appeared disoriented. "Jim?"

"Sorry to disturb you, Chief, but we've got to discuss a new house rule."

A bit more alert Blair rolled his eyes. This was never ending. "What did or didn't I do now?"

Jim nodded understanding his guide's slant on the request. "Not you this time, Chief. Me."

Now Blair seemed confused.

"I said a lot of things to you today," Jim began. "And it's just in everything I said I forgot to say that I love you." There was a slight pause. "I love you, Blair."

Blair was taken aback but only momentarily. "I love you more," he finally said, a combination of affection and humor in his fatigued eyes.

Jim grinned. He placed his right hand on the side of Blair's face and stroked his cheek with his thumb. "That would be impossible," he said tenderly.

Blair turned his face into the caressing hand and pressed his lips to Jim's palm.

The sensation of the kiss traveled the entire length of Jim's arm, across his chest coming to rest in his heart. Jim shuddered from the impact. His hand still touching Blair's face Jim leaned over and kissed his friend's cheek, then his forehead.

"Sleep, well, Chief."

"I will now."

