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Sally is a creation of Dr. Finkelstien, the resisident mad scientist. Although, as common with these cases, he added an extra amount of emotions. Sally is basicly the Doctor's maid, more than a daughter. She has a rebelious streak and is restless with her world in the tower she was created in. Her favorite way of escaping is to drug Dr. Finkelstien with deadly nightshade and slip out. It is in her stitching to be free.

As you can figure out early on in the movie, Sally has a major crush on Jack. It's just that she's too shy to say anything. Sally finds that Jack and herself have alot in common in both looking for something new and both feeling opressed. When Jack tells the other members of Halloween Town about his idea to take over Christmas, Sally seems to be the only one concerned for his safety. Isn't that how it is in crushes? The one with the crush always seems to worry more about the one they have a crush on that that person does his or herself. Anyway, Sally tries to stop Jack from going through with this crazy plan, but fails. Of coarse, come on, it's a Disney movie, all love things turn out the same in Disney movies! ~_^

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