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WWWF & IWA Tag champs, The Mongols WWWF International & IWA Tag Team Champions, The Mongols 27kb

The Masked Supertstar on the set of Georgia 
Championship Wrestling The Masked Superstar lets Bobby Heenan do the talking from the set of Georgia Championship Wrestling. 35kb

The Masked Superstar waits patiently The Masked Superstar stands defiantly. 19kb

Boris Malenko and his protege, 
The Masked Superstar Boris Malenko and his protege, The Masked Superstar. 44kb

Boris Malenko readies
The Masked Superstar for battleBoris Malenko readies The Masked Superstar for battle. 18kb

The Masked Superstar 
and Boris Malenko pose for the camera The Masked Superstar and Boris Malenko wait patiently. 83kb

The Masked Superstar vs Dino Bravo The Masked Superstar slams Dino Bravo to the canvas. 67kb

Bravo snags a side headlock Dino Bravo grabs a side headlock on The Masked Superstar. 66kb

The Masked Superstar and Kim Duk double-team Dino Bravo The Masked Superstar and Kim Duk force Dino Bravo back into the corner. 69kb

Old magazine clipping on The Masked Superstar An old magazine clipping of The Masked Superstar. 33kb

The Masked Superstar
awaits another title defense The Masked Superstar awaits another title defense. 27kb

The Masked Superstar
and Super D double teqm their opponent The Masked Superstar and Super Destroyer double team El Gran Apollo. 26kb

The Masked Superstar kicks Tom
Zenk The Masked Superstar kicks Tom Zenk in the head. 24kb

Masked Superstar's identity almost 
revealedThe Masked Superstar's identity almost becomes becomes known to all. 63kb

The Masked Supertstar in the heat
of battle! A battered Masked Superstar lets a pair of scissors do his talking. 95kb

The Masked Supertstar shows off his
olympic medals At home,The Masked Superstar shows off his Olympic medals.23kb

The Masked Superstar grabs a rear
chinlock on Tom Pritchard The Masked Superstar grabs a rear chinlock on Tom Pritchard. 18kb

The Masked Superstar and
Austin Idol double team their opponent The Masked Superstar and Austin Idol double team their opponent. 22kb

The Masked Superstar ends
the beating The Masked Superstar decides to end the beating. 22kb

The beatings continue! The beatings must go on! 20kb

The Masked Superstar puts the boots to 
his opponentThe Masked Superstar puts the boots to his opponent. 51kb

Andre the Giant collapses on The
Masked Superstar An attempted bodyslam on Andre the Giant backfires on The Masked Superstar. 21kb

Bill Eadie wearing a mask of a different 
kind Demolition Ax, formerly known as The Masked Superstar. 29kb

Here comes the Ax... Demolition Ax makes his way to the ring. 15kb

Demolition hammer away at their 
opponent Demolition, Ax and Smash, hammer away on another helpless victim. 72kb

Get your t-shirts here... Ax and Smash model the latest Demolition t-shirt. 33kb

Demolition Ax wrings the neck of his
opponent Demolition Ax takes control of yet another foe. 26kb

Demolition takes Mexico by storm. Demolition runs rampart south of the border. 95kb

Ax,Smash, and Crush Ax, Smash, and Crush display the WWF Tag Team Championship. 69kb

Demolition Ax back on the indy scene Demolition Ax, back on the indy scene. 19kb

Blaze,Ax,Garvin,& Wine Indy stars,Tim Blaze and Brandi Wine with wrestling greats, "Hands Of Stone" Ronnie Garvin and Demolition Ax. 50kb

Demolition Ax poses with Carolina indy
manager, Count Grog Demolition Ax poses with Carolina indy manager, Count Grog. 33kb

Masked Superstar attacks Ricky
Steamboat Mid-Atlantic legends collide as The Masked Superstar brutally attacks Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat. 43kb

For any questions or comments about The Masked Superstar/Demolition Ax, this website, or wrestling in general, please send all correspondence to me at

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