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Born on May 27th, 1988, in St. Louis, MS Mr. Highlight was bred to succeed. When he and his parents moved to Orlando, FL in the summer of 1990, he didn't notice the change at all. When asked about which city is his hometown, Highlight says that he can't even remember anything about St. Louis. In his early years, Highlight enjoyed success in baseball, basketball, golf and tennis but the hardest challenge of all was staying alive. Growing up on South Street in downtown Orlando was all the challenge that he could handle. "I remember coming home and finding a rock through my window.....for nothing. Stupid things like that, you know. So what I did was I found out who it was and I went over to his house and beat him down in front of his mom. It made me laugh. I remember another time this one kid stole my bike.....right off my porch! I beat his ass too, only it was back in the woods. He pulled a knife on me so yea they were tough times back then." says Highlight

A young Highlight could often be found sneaking into Tinker Field to catch a glimpse of the Orlando Cubs playing a minor league game. The stadium, which is situated side-by-side with the Citrus Bowl, made for a great getaway for him. "I used to crawl through this hole in the fence on the outside of the Bowl and climb up to the walking level of the stadium and watch from there. There weren't a whole lot of trees to climb so I guess a boy needs some kind of adventure. Those were the good days, watching the Orlando Cubs and later the Rays playing games in that stadium."

On December 14, 2003 Highlight attended the WWE Pay-Per-View Armageddon at the TD Waterhouse Centre. It was at that moment that he knew what he was born to do. "I had dreamed of being a wrestler when I was around 6 or 7 but people always told me I was too small and that I would get killed. So many people told me that I believed them. But then I saw Randy Orton, and I remember this like it was yesterday, winning the title from Rob Van Dam and celebrating in the ring. And then Ric Flair of all people was there to buckle the title around Orton's waist. I wanted that. I wanted to someday win that title and have Orton buckle it around MY waist."

On July 9, 2004 the dream truly began. Highlight recieved a "crash" course on the business and he learned fast. More about this first day can be read by clicking on the "FIRST DAY" link on the homepage. Then on August 17, just over 1 month after his first day, Mr. Highlight was born. He cut his first promo with Deathrow Jeathrow. "He beat the crap out of me. I had it coming though, I called him a jail house tramp." Then on May 13, 2005 Mr. Highlight stepped into the ring for a 4-way tag match at an RCW show held at Oak Ridge High School. "My tag partner left me, he knew we were going to get killed. So basically I got taken out in less than 5 minutes by Aaron Epic and Mark Stephens. I have it on tape and it's painful to watch."

The dream lives on..........

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