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Storme's Celebrity Quilt






Our Main Quilt page is at  Storme Millennium Quilt

Storme Millennium Quilt II

Storme Millennium Quilt III


St. Patrick's is being celebrated at The Wearing

of the Green Quilt.

Celebrate Valentine's at our Storme Valentine Quilt

and Storme Valentine Quilt II


New Year's 2005 Quilt!

Autumn Quilt


Garden of Friendship Name Quilt

Garden of Friendship Quilters - Name Quilt 2

Millennium Friendship Garden Quilt features

 GOF Quilter's Club Members squares also.

Birthday Quilt from the Garden of Friendship


Squares for your quilt by me can be found at

Storme's Quilt Exchange.



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[GOF Birthday][Name Quilt][Name Quilt2][GOF Anniversary04][Valentine Quilt]

[Garden Quilt][Gifts][Quilt][Autumn][GOF angels][GOF GalleryII][GOF gallery]

[Award][Banners][Valentine Quilt2][Quilt2][Quilt3][Help Links][MahJong][Designs]



  Our Quilt was redesigned on March 12, 2005.