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Wearin' of the Green Quilt!


  Happy St. Pat's!




Everyday at Storme Millennium is a day to be wearin' green!

May luck be with you always!



Please visit My Quilt Exchange, where many quilt squares made by me are for your quilts or to exchange.

Storme Millennium Quilt Index

Storme Millennium Quilt II

Above was a gift graphic from a fellow Garden of Friendship Tutorial Group Member,

Sugie.    Thank you!

Go on to Wearin' of the Green Quilt 2


Our Main Quilt and Index is at Storme Millennium Quilt.

Storme Millennium Quilt II

Storme Millennium Quilt III


Pictures of your favorite entertainers are at our new Celebrity Quilt!


Celebrate Valentine's at our Storme Valentine Quilt

and Storme Valentine Quilt II

and Storme Valentine III Quilt - 2006

Birthday Quilt 2005

Holiday Quilt

The Wearing of the Green Quilt

Autumn Quilt

Celebrity Quilt

Friendship Garden Quilt

Halloween Quilt

Holiday  2

Birthday Quilt

New Year's Quilt

New Year's 2006

Santa Quilt

  Wearin of the Green  

Garden of Friendship 5th Birthday Celebration Quilt

2005 Quilt

Wearin of the Green 2

GOF Name Quilt

Name Quilt 2

 Nativity Quilt

Squares for your quilt by me can be found at

Storme's Quilt Exchange.


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Sign My Guestbook


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Our Site Index is at Storme Millennium Index.©


All graphics belong exclusively to Storme Designs.

Our St. Patrick's Bear was made from Tutorials by Pansy.

The floating shamrock script is by Peter Gehrig and can be found at

Our quilt was rewoven on  June 11, 2008.

  Our quilt is at Angelfire.