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Click on a square to visit another site's quilt.

If you'd like to exchange a square and link,

send your info through the email link below. 


Return to Storme Millennium Quilt or

Storme Millennium Quilt II

Below are squares without my name if you want to add yours

or another graphic to place on my quilt.


 Please visit My Quilt Exchange, where many quilt squares

made by me are for your quilts or to exchange.


Remember to right click and save the graphic to your computer, cd or disk.


We'd love to share a quilt square with you.

Just send your info through the email link below along with your URL.


St. Patrick's is being celebrated at The Wearing of the Green Quilt.

Celebrate Valentine's at our Storme Valentine Quilt

and Storme Valentine Quilt II


New Year's Quilt

Holiday Quilt --- Holiday Quilt 2

Autumn Quilt


A Quilt with squares from Garden of Friendship Members

 is at Millennium Friendship Garden Quilt.


 I joined the Garden of Friendship Quilter's Club and made a

  name Quilt at Millennium GOF Quilter's Name Quilt

and Name Quilt 2.


Birthday Quilt from the Garden of Friendship.

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook


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[Garden Quilt][Quilt][Autumn][GOF angels][GOF GalleryII][GOF gallery][Valentine Quilt2]



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Our Site Index is at Storme Millennium Index.©


Our quilt was updated on March 10, 2005.

  Our quilt is at Angelfire.