Welcome to my Amateur Radio Homepage.

My Callsign is N5YCN and the name is Tim.
My QTH is Biloxi, Mississippi, USA.

I have been a licensed amateur radio operator since December 1991. I enjoy all aspects of amateur radio and am especially intrigued with the iLINK program which connects users to each other around the world through the technology of the Internet joined with amateur radio transmitters! What an exciting new concept available to us thanks to Graeme Barnes M0CHS of Kent England. Please browse my site and feel free to email any comments or suggestions to me. I will reply to all emails. I look at amateur radio not only as a critical tool in times of disaster but as a fun hobby that should be enjoyed by all. Frank Lombardi, W5MET, has a great philosophy concerning Ham Radio "Lets just jump in there and have fun" What a refreshing attitude! I wholeheartedly agree. Those of you who have dealt with "stuffy" radio clubs and associations know exactly where I'm coming from! Again,
Welcome to my homepage and 73's to you all,


I have held my Amateur Radio License, N5YCN since December 1991.

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    Amateur Radio plays an important roll in emergency communications.
    Do you have a Weather Alert radio?
    Every home should be equipped with one!

    See a transmitter capable of producing 3.6 million watts output power!
    A fascinating site.

    Radio Caroline - Perhaps the most famous "Pirate Radio" station ever on the airwaves! A visit to this site provides history and photos and a link to listen live via the internet. The ship is currently being refurbished and they say they will be on the air again soon. This ship has a 50,000 watt commercial broadcast transmitter onboard! A must see site with great links.

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    Amateur Radio Around The World

    Established 2002
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    Very special thanks to my wife Darlene
    at Southern Touch Graphics!
    Without her love and professional assistance,
    this site would would not exist.