Wonderful Man That I Call Daddy
By: Penny Waterloo

I had a wonderful guy for a
step father.
And he was a very good man.
But I always thought of him
as just plain Daddy,
because I grew up by the
sweat of his hands.

Daddy worked very hard for
all of us.
He would always provide for
the things we need.
Then Daddy would come home
on his day off and play with us,
cause he was a good Daddy

Daddy always had time to
He was always full of
We didn't always hear what
he had to say,
but we found out in years to
come that Daddy was very wise.

Daddy always had a lot on
his mind,
But you would never know by
the way he let on.
He'd sit there ever so quiet
with his hand around his coffee cup,
Until he could find a way to
make the problem all gone.

Daddy seemed to be a quiet
But the wars of life go on
in his head.
You could see the thoughts
running through his eyes,
From the time he gets up,
till the time he went to bed.

Now my Daddy's eyes have
grown tired and dim,
His body though young, his
heart has grown old,
But my Daddy would still try
to carry me if I asked him to,
Cause my Daddy has a heart
of gold.

So Daddy, lean your head on
my shoulder,
I will gladly carry your
load for a while.
Because I think it's the
least that I can do for you,
For all the years that you
have made me smile.
I love
you Daddy.