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The Quest

After the interview section is complete, it is the QM's duty to create a challenging quest for the pledge to complete. This quest should be created as soon as possible after the interview, for the applicant to begin - at the most, 24 hours after the interview was complete, the applicant should have a quest.

At the decision of the QM, the quest may have a deadline of 5-7 days from the time it was handed out. This quest should challenge the pledge's creativity, skills, and knowledge of realms. Quests should not be too difficult for the applicant to complete - they are designed to challenge, not to outwit. Things such as the amount of time played and their hobbies (levelling or exploring) need to be taken into consideration when creating a quest.

QM's shall create a two copies of the quest - one for the pledge to keep, and a copy to place on the QM noteboard. The title of the note on the QMboard should be 'PledgeName's Quest', and it should be addressed to QM's, or Maidens.

If the pledge has any questions or concerns about their quest they should ask their QM promptly. Make sure to double check with your applicants to make sure that they understand all rules.

If the pledge hands in their quest late or incomplete, then the Head QM will make a final decision on whether the pledge passes or not.

Quest Note Format:

Quests can be done in a variety of ways. They can be centered around a theme, or a simply a variety of tasks. All quests should be well-rounded and include measures of creativity needed, knowledge, and skill. The end of each quest note should include a reminder of rules, and the date that the quest is due.

Some examples of this can be found here.

| Sponsorship | References | Application | Interview |
| The Quest | General Quest Rules | Voting |
| Group Interviews | Failures |