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Plantation : North Mississippi

Built in 1829 by free men of color, This beautiful home is now owned by a young couple who have experienced a large amount of paranormal activity in a relatively short time.

Our preliminary investigation took place on January 16th from approx. 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm.

The home owners contacted us by email on December 31st and related a rather strange story.

It seems that their new home was already occupied.. by something.

Strange sounds ocurred on a regular basis.

The sounds were angry and seemed to come from the master bathroom.. after having the plumbing checked.. and every other possible mundane cause, they contacted us.

This Recording was made in the room at approx. 4am.

It takes a minute to download, and you may have to turn up the volume on your computer.. it starts with the sound of water dripping.


The group conducts a videotaped interview with the occupants.


Before moving into the home, both occupants discussed the beautiful hand carved fireplace that they both loved.. Unfortunately upon moving into the home the fireplace wasn't there.. a different one was in its place.

The had taken a photo of the original, but it came out blurred and indistinct.

There is no evidence of recent remodeling or construction to explain what they both witnessed as opposed to what exists.

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