Making the Most of MATHEMATICS
The TEN COMMANDMENTS of Mathematics
- You shall read the problem carefully!
- Whatever you do to one side of the equation, do unto the other!
- You must use common sense or you will have flagpoles 9,000 feet in height and fathers younger than sons!
- You shall choose the best strategy for calculations: pencil and paper, calculator, or mental math!
- When you do not know, you shall look it up. If you cannot find it, you shall ask the teacher!
- You shall check each step before beginning the next!
- You shall remember that the correct answer does not prove that you have worked the problem correctly!
- You shall first see that you have copied the problem correctly before bearing false witness that the answer key is in error!
- You shall look back and use math learned in earlier years!
- You shall learn, speak, write and listen correctly in the language of mathematics. Good grades will follow you throughout your schooling!
Archdiocesan Guidelines for Mathematics
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If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is. ~John Louis von Neumann