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Empowering Black Power; Societal Communism!

Wikipedia is not always a reliable source for information, especially for social and political articles like Black power, thanks to Wikipedia’s ability to let anyone edit articles, from impartial editors to propaganda using neo-Nazis. Thus, here is the truth about Black power.

Black power is a slogan that refers to numerous ideologies associated with empowering Black people as a race, not primarily as individuals. The phrase is mostly attributed to the movement of empowering Blacks throughout the world, mainly African-Americans. Within America, the movement was most prominent during the Civil Rights Movement, later followed by the 60's and 70's. Black power accentuates and encourages Black pride, Black privilege, and the advancing of Black values and image. As a political slogan, the term was coined by Stokely Carmichael, a late Black activist and former Black Panther. Carmichael was quoted saying, "For the last time, 'Black Power' means Black people coming together to form a political force and either electing representatives or forcing their representatives to speak their needs."

Contrary to popular (White-ring) belief, White power and Black power are not similar. Black power was created as a means to fight racism from Whites during a time racism was nearly accepted in society. “White power” was coined by George Lincoln Rockwell, an American Nazi and founder of the American Nazi party, who used “White power” during a debate with Stokely Carmichael who advocated Black power. As for Black power, when time passed, other movements and ideologies that benefited and involved the advancement of Black people adopted the phrase “Black power.” Among many of those movements were “Black pride,” which is the state of feeling good and comfortable with being Black, primarily in America.

Also, contrary to popular (White-ring) belief, Black pride is not primarily based upon racism. Features of Black pride include “Black is beautiful,” a cultural movement aimed to dispel the notion in many world cultures that Black features, such as skin color, facial features, and hair texture, are ugly. The movement also encouraged Black men and women to stop straightening their hair and attempting to lighten or bleach their skin, and grow afros. White pride doesn’t feature “White is beautiful” based upon any culture believing White features are ugly, for, in fact, many believe the exact opposite.

Black power is also advocated to combat thriving stereotypes and racism against Black people. Of all American ethnic groups, Whites are least likely to be discriminated against and stereotyped for their race alone. White power is a political slogan that labels the ideologies associated with White nationalism and White supremacy with no significance in “improving” or empowering the White race as a disadvantaged group like Black power. Therefore, in these instances, White power is not similar to Black power.

I embrace Black pride because I’m proud of what Blacks have accomplished in America, despite their negative portrayal by stereotyping. For instance, I’m proud that more Blacks are more economically stable and middle-class than compared to impoverished, as opposed to Blacks most being stereotyped as poor, underclass, and “ghetto.” Mainly, I’m “proud” of any positive aspects associated with Blacks that are seen as negative, such as their beauty which is beautiful but is often considered ugly, their education levels that are higher than what’s expected by the general public, and social classes which are more working, and middle-class rather than underclass. I support the Black power movement because I’m aware of the negative stereotypes attributed to Blacks for their own misfortunes. Though, albeit I’m proud of Black accomplishments listed in the last few sentences above, they pale in comparison to accomplishments attributed to the White race, the nation’s elites, and Asian-Americans, the most successful minority group in America. Because Blacks pale in comparison to other groups and since many people stereotype others and believe people create their own stereotypes, I believe Blacks must improve their current social situations to avoid stereotyping, racism, and to live better lives in America to provide for themselves and future children.

Whist currently a little over 10,000,000 are impoverished out of 41,000,000 Blacks, many Blacks in impoverished neighborhoods have high fertility rates, which often results in raising children in harsh environments with a shortage of finance, even with welfare. At the end of 2007, the CDC estimates that 468,578 people were living with AIDS in America, around 20,000 more than 2006. 206,174 is an accurate number for Blacks with HIV/AIDS, a number that is probably only a little higher than the White number, but worse because Blacks are only 13% of the population, thus making the rate faster as well. Over a little over 1,000,000 Blacks were admitted into jail in 2008, which adds to the criminal stereotypes regarding Black-Americans. Therefore, to counter these stereotypes, Black people, firstly, should realize the statistics and learn how their race is portrayed in America, learn the negativities associated with the portrayals, and improve their behavior to change the statistics for the better of the Black race.

To do that, all public schools must implement sex education and parenting classes in all schools as a necessity. In poor Black neighborhoods, thanks to bad parenting and carelessness when regarding sex, people get STDs and unwanted pregnancies. When the pregnancies are over and the children are born, since the mothers must take care of them, they become obstacles for academic achievement, often causing high school and college drop outs. Also, additionally, because the “fathers” oftentimes wished to not raise children, the mother is solely responsible for raising her children as a single mother. That makes them even more likely to depend on welfare, which ultimately leaves them in poverty.

White power supporters are aware of these issues within the Black community, but they only ridicule and express major complaint rather than support helping them. Black power, on the other hand, seeks to improve them. With sex education that teaches the process of getting pregnant, STDs, and parenting classes that 100% guaranteed in public schools, chances are, Blacks will learn that having unprotected sex can lead to unwanted pregnancies, how to take better care of children and ensure their education is the main priority of their lives. Black children frequently maturate “emulating” Hip-Hop that involves guns, disrespecting women, and having sex without forming a relationship, in which, of course, the latter results in unwanted pregnancies or children. If potential parents are taught to not allow their children to listen or watch things that require parental advisory, maybe things can change for the better. Thus, Blacks have a better chance of not maturating as criminals and deadbeat fathers, gradually ending the negative stereotypes associated with the issues. If Blacks are taught about HIV/AIDS, AIDS awareness, who it affects and who it can affect, to use protection, and get tested, perhaps their newly learned HIV/AIDS awareness can influence them to protect themselves and others from the disease. This will help keep Blacks and future Black people healthy and obstacle-free when longing for education. The following Black racial “improvements” can help balance out “flaws” within the Black race while, simultaneously, lower the proneness of negative stereotyping against Black individuals.

Blacks are highly influenced by the stereotypes Whites attribute to them. For example, some Blacks are afraid to consume fried chicken and watermelon in public around Whites because of fear of being stereotyped. Furthermore, some Blacks take stereotyping extremely seriously, which oftentimes leads to suicide attempts. Though more Blacks are financially stable than underclass, Black children have a higher chance of being born into an underclass family, thanks to the high fertility rates associated with the poor as compared to the middle-class. Thus, poor income Blacks have a lower chance at experiencing social class mobility compared to their White counterparts, for they’re less likely to receive financial assistance when regarding school fees, rent, etc. As a result, Blacks oftentimes remain poor while Whites rise. That influences some Blacks to do the following they’re stereotyped for: commit crime, laze around and blame the system, or blame “the White man.” Though these aspects are existent, they don’t apply to every poor Black individual. Therefore, many poor Black individuals take the stereotypes very seriously, which results in suicide or suicide attempts. Though assumed to be a “White” problem, suicide is somewhat prevalent in Black communities. Though the suicide rate for Blacks is much lower than Whites, Black suicides have undergone a dramatic increase over the years, adding up to 8 per 100,000 of the American population. These suicides are often believed to be caused by the difficulty of escaping poverty, feelings of inferiority and depression from stereotypes associated with the Black race, and after receiving HIV-positive results. To ensure a better standard of living for Black people in America, Blacks must be aware of the social illnesses that affect the Black community and seek to correct them. Along with the disadvantaged Blacks’ willpower and assistance from the government, such as improving public schools by adding significant classes, the statistics will change for the better. Blacks and other disadvantaged minority groups will be above lower and underclass, meaning they will not have to depend on the government, which benefits the tax payers. When the statistics change, the US Census will report that crime among Blacks had gradually decreased; the standard of living for not only Blacks, but all disadvantaged people will dramatically improve. Suicides based Black depression will decline, and guarantees no Black person will every have to live in America unhappy about her/himself. In the end, things will change for the better of the population. That is Black power.

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