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Reasons why I prefer Yahoo! over MySpace.

NOTE: this article was originally posted on Saturday, September 20, 2008, on Yahoo! 360, a now defunct social networking service ran by Yahoo!

Reasons why I prefer Yahoo! over MySpace magnify MySpace, despite being overrun by people who type like th3y dont h@v3 any iit33lliiengence wut soooo ev3r, is probably the most popular social networking website on the internet. Also, despite its simple approach, it's visited by millions of people, whether they are teens, young adults, full-grown adults, cyberstalkers, cyberbullies, musicians, actors, and/or other celebrities. I used to be in love with my MySpace, but now, it’s overrated in my opinion.

Throughout my four years in high school, I noticed a lot of different types of students who either stayed in class and worked hard in every subject, skipped class and failed every subject, but then, I noticed the average student who could maintain good grades, and sign onto the internet at school. What did I do, knowing that I'm already smart and can pass my classes no matter what I do in the meantime? I hopped on the bandwagon and signed on the internet. Afterwards, Alisha, one of my funny and hyper best friends, signed onto the internet as well. Then, she mentioned a somewhat new, popular website called MySpace. I'm sure we all know, but MySpace is a social networking website that allows you to add friends, post blogs, keep in touch with old friends, and socialize with new people online.

During the time I got the hang of MySpace, I became addicted pretty much like a crackhead is addicted to, well, crack. I met people online, but the relationship stayed online. I received good picture, blog, and page comments, and my friends and I simply got along, which was great. Because I was actually practicing to be a model during my high school days, (before the bullshit industry told me I was too short) I took a shit load of pictures and posted them on my page, resulting in a lot of adds from strangers. I thought that was great, and I enjoyed the online fame. Like the average high school chick, the more I used MySpace, the more addicted like a crackhead I became. In the meantime, I tried to see how many friends I could actually get before my account got deleted, or before I finish high school. Believe it or not, I sent nearly every profile I came across a request, and ended up with over 100,000 friends. What does a girl do when she knows she's on top? She climbs higher of course! Later, I joined a number of whore trains, and requested that many people add me. It's safe to say I was MySpace whore at the time because I had a whopping 800,000+ adds.

However, even were you're enjoying yourself, whether for the first or last time, haters would always attempt to ruin the moment. When I earned the large number of friends, I kept getting a lot of negative comments on my pictures from idiots who were either jealous, or didn't have anything better to do but insult me. My inbox was flooded with spam messages and because the comments were flooded with large spam images, messages from my real friends were impossible to reach, and my profile page took nearly 7 years to load. I also sign on to see millions of chain letters present in the bulletin space, and inbox. A contact of mine on Yahoo! Messenger said, "But that should be expected when you have over a 100,000 friends Ms. Opinionative."Well, think of it this way, why use a website that's overrun by spambots and moronic tweenagers that spam your account, and make using the site a living hell? Shit, who said that it should matter if you have over 100, 000 friends? If it's a good site, you should still have peace on it, even if you have 1,000,000 friends. Therefore, knowing that, I still took the time to delete the people I didn't know, but I still wasn't progressing. I still received the same spam and shit like last time.

But guess what, it got worse as time passed. I was browsing through some of my friends I didn't know in real-life's accounts, and in one of them, I found an account using my picture. I clicked it, and I discovered the idiot was using my pictures, trying to make people believe she looked like me. What do I do in this situation? Well, I confronted her. I asked her, "Why the hell are you using my pictures? Are you too ugly to use your own?" Then, unbelievably, the girl put up a serious argument, trying to convince me that she's the real deal. A few days later, I noticed a lot more mock accounts with people using my pictures. That's why I always keep my real pictures private now, and show them to people I trust. Afterwards, I just got fed up with MySpace and joined Yahoo! It's much better here. Yahoo! probably has a lot of idiots and trolls on Answers, but least it's spam proof, people don't steal your pictures and make fake accounts, (during the time I shared them here.) Smart people can also be found easier on this site, and it's just a better environment to be a part of. Most people aren't perverted idiots that beg you to post a picture, and finally, it's easier to block the morons. Thank goodness for simplicity.

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