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Political Correctness/Incorrectness Doesn't Exist!

What does politically correct even mean by the way? Does it even involve politics and what exactly does it 'correct?" Well, after a long bout of confusion, I finally understand 'political correctness.' I always knew the definition, which is "avoidance of expressions or actions that can be perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult people who are socially disadvantaged." Wow. Seriously? Think about it; does that definition even need a term? It's natural to not offend people, which people have done since before the term 'politically correct' was coined. That's how I realized political correctness doesn't even exist at all, period. Despite that, many people used the word 'political correctness' in various instances. For example, in this society, it's not 'acceptable' to say '(race) is the lowest of the low' in public, and get away with it without controversy.

Many types of 'political correctness' supposedly exists. One type is based on not offending a particular group, whereas the other focuses on the media not offending the public. As for number one, racial political correctness is prevalent. For example, if a group of people 'defines' a race by their negative behavior, such as committing crime, often seen from personal experience, chances are, they'd define that particular race as 'negative.' Therefore, when an opposing party has a different mindset that focuses less on generalizations and seeing the bigger picture to defend that race from criminal portrayal, most likely, they'd conclude the defenders are politically correct.

In other words, political correctness opposers, simply put, rather be 'hardass' instead of having consideration for people's feelings. As for the media, what more can I say? Everyone with a TV has access to the media, so media owners literally have over 300,000,000 viewers, which means, over 300,000,000 personalities. Therefore, the media censors many programs to appeal to most of the audience and keep the environment healthy. However, many people label this move as political correctness simply because it avoids offending people. Oh yeah, like people should turn on the TV and hear rude people calling them "nigger" or "faggot" every second.

The term 'politically correct' has so many negative connotations, but when I think about it, I wonder, 'why?' If anything, PC refrains from offending people and causing riots. If we rioted on a daily basis, we'd all be killed or brutally injured, all because we offended people. We live our lives not offending people, usually out of consideration, or fear of getting our asses kicked by the person we offended, which makes political correctness natural as the air we breathe. Why is it different when the government is involved? Because it's not. People are just brainwashed into believing PC harms society, when in fact, it saves the world. Have you noticed when a country does get "politically incorrect," a war starts? Open your minds.

My Hispanic friend Maria and I took a trip to Aurora via Metra train to visit her cousins and crash at their place for the weekend. During the trip, we sat and talked during the entire, boring train ride, when we noticed this neighboring old lady glaring at us. Because she looked at us and gave us a mean glare with with her face scrunched as if she smelt her own fart, but didn't realize it was her own, this lady was, by all standards, a hag. My conversation with Maria paused when Maria's mom called on her cell phone, asking if we got to Aurora. Maria speaks Spanish while talking to her parents, and the entire time Maria talked, the old lady glued her eyes to Maria like an owl. When she hung up the phone, the old lady said, 'Why don't you speak English, this is America.' What an asshole, huh? Maria said 'she could speak how she wanted, and since the country is America, she has the freedom to do so.' The argument eventually went from language to 'illegal aliens.' She said all you illegal Mexicans come here and take over. I don't think the hag thought before she spoke. I believe she talked racist crap for the sole purpose of pissing off Maria. Maria told her, 'Not all Mexicans are illegal and she's not fully Mexican,' she's half-Puerto Rican.

Note Puerto Rican is not a race. Though 'Puerto Rican' in this case may describe nationally, Puerto Ricans are actually mixed with various ethnicities, including White, Black, etc. In the case of Maria, her Puerto Rican ancestors and current family members are indeed Puerto Rican born with Black and White ethnicity. I'm surprised people rarely acknowledge these facts when considering Hispanics. Therefore, technically, Maria's nationally is Puerto Rican and Mexican, while her race is Aztec and Spanish decent, White, and Black. That's why many Puerto Ricans look Black. Technically, they ARE Black if people didn't consider 'Puerto Rican' as a race. In other words, they're 'Afro-Puerto Rican' or 'Afro-Caribbean.' Bullshit if you ask me! Anyway, back to the story. After Maria told the hag she wasn't Mexican and that all Mexicans weren't illegal, she shrugged off her words as 'politically correct.' That's an effective strategy if you wish to continue with your ignorant verbatim. PC has so many negative connotations, people use it to avoid debates. Open your eyes. Nothing is 'bad' about political correctness.

The thought did not occur to me at the time, but when I think of it now, she's ignorant. It's 'politically correct' to say not all Hispanics are Mexican? Political correctness is often used as an excuse to embrace ignorant beliefs. Call it what you will, but if even if saying not all Hispanics are Mexican is 'politically correct' in this instance, it's still the truth and anyone that paid attention in school should know it. Calling all Hispanics 'Mexican' and complaining about why making that claim isn't 'allowed' is no different than me calling every White person Greek. Therefore, simply because you label a statement as 'politically correct' doesn't make it any less valid.

Also, according to Wikipedia, political correctness (noun) and politically correct (adjective) (PC) are the terms applied to language, ideas, policies, and behavior meant to enforce ideological conformity to an orthodox authority. Knowing that, let's get technical. Many people often complain that not being racist is a form of PC because society 'expects' everyone to be nice and racist-free. What if, in a certain community, racism is acceptable, but I was the only racist-free person within that community? In that community, I can consider myself politically incorrect for not following, and consider them PC for keeping up with the racism. Therefore, political correctness goes both ways. Why doesn't political correctness not exist by the way? Because, even before the term was coined in the 40's, people have still avoided offending others naturally. People also do it within the real world, and that's why we call the 'politically correct' people 'nice,' and the 'politically incorrect' people 'rude.' Point blank, period. Face it, this political correct/incorrect bullshit doesn't really exist.

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