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The Mindframe Of a Bully.

You know, I've been studying science, more specifically, biology, and I learned something interesting. Some parts of biology are a lot like psychology, especially in the terms of bullies. It was so interesting, I wrote a document on different types of bullies. I hope you have the time to read my article because I took much time writing it. It may be a long read, but after you copy and paste inside a Wordpad and save it for later, it can help you learn, deal with, and understand the mindsets of bullies. Note, this article is based upon my personal experience alone, which therefore aren't 100% facts. Nonetheless, since I've experienced many similar situations during various times of my life, my report is accurate. In biology, I know in every ecosystem exists a food web. Plants and some algae gather their energy from the sun to produce food via photosynthesis, and decomposers like fungi and some bacteria feed of dead material. Small insects mainly feed of tiny material, but insects like grasshoppers typically feed off plants. The web is then followed by frogs eating grasshoppers as a 'first-level carnivore,' which is an animal that's a predator to other animals, but can also be prey to another. They prey on the smaller animals that eat plants. Continuing the web, the frogs are eaten by hawks, which are 'top-level carnivores,' animals that are only predators and do not act as prey in any ecosystem. The same could be said for bullies.

School bullies can be classified into three types, which are first, second, and top-level bullies. Every school has its own natural social labels such as the 'nerds and outcasts,' 'average students,' and 'popular students.' Each of those classifications houses a different type of bully. As the nerds and outcast group generally has students that get picked on, a 'first-level bully' would become aware that he's surrounded by 'uncool' people and attempt to bully the 'weaker' to fit in with another group, or in some cases, he can be just plain mean, or both. This is a tricky one because mainly, he is oftentimes outcasted by other students, but still constantly hangs around the nerds and outcasts. It gets tricky, because despite hanging around them, he treats them with disrespect, but because many people in the nerds and outcast group don't have a 'friend' as 'powerful' as him, they may say they 'don't like him,' but would still hang around him because they see him as 'kind of cool.' Also, he has no 'power' over 'higher ranked students. Nonetheless, he's often shunned by the type-two students, (average joes.) More interestingly, he's afraid of and is bullied by the second-level bullies.

They are generally in the same league as the 'average joes,' but they tend to not care about image like a first-level bully, but instead, have personal problems that causes them to take problems out on others. They see second-level students as 'regular,' though picks on the first-level more aggressively than a first-level bully. A second-level bully not bullying a first-level bully may signify the first-level earned his achieved his approval from the second-level bully, when they often seek. Sometimes bullies of the second level can been seen picking on anyone that's not top-level, (popular,) or within his own 'second-level.' The highest in the school social pyramid is 'top-level-bullies.' They are apart of the 'popular' students and because they figure they have 'better' qualities than most people that aren't in their level, they bully people, but sometimes, they're unaware of their bullying behaviors. Usually, they are cool with the second-level, but would pick on first-level students horribly, especially first-level bullies. In rare cases, a top-level bully could pick on everyone, including other top-level students, and not the other bullies, as they tend to be friends.

People bully because they lack a conscience, meaning their ways of determining what's 'right' or 'wrong' is greatly disturbed or doesn't exist. This could be for a number of reasons such as suffering abuse or being brain damaged. If one suffered constant abuse, they feel actions that mentally 'counter' that abuse is 'justified' when committed against others, whether guilty or innocent. Because of this, bullies don't care about the people they torment. Naturally, when feeling negative emotions, some people HATE the feeling of sadness and crying, and therefore, replace that feeling with anger and beat other students to feel powerful, giving the bully his gratification. However, within the top-level, narcissism is the catalyst for bullying because the 'popular' kids feel they have better qualities. Therefore, when they express their beliefs, they are unaware they're potentially hurting other people's feelings, plus, when they see someone without their 'superior' qualities, they see them as 'lesser' people. If you see someone as lesser, you're bound to exhibit a superiority complex toward them because it feels 'required,' as to the weaker, it's easier to express how you feel. If you're unaware of it, others can surely see it. The most effective method to counter bullying is to stand up to the personality that's bullying. To do this, one should consider why he is being bullied, and behave with a personality that opposite of what victimizes him.

For example, if someone constantly bullied me because I'm shy, I will take a gamble, come out of my shell and stand up to this bully before it becomes a problem. Usually, the bully would leave it at that, but it depends. If the bully is known to be aggressive and a fighter, it may be scary, but you must fight back. However, if you're in no medical condition to fight, it would be better to send authority for harrassment. Sure enough, sending authority is always a good choice as well, it doesn't always work, but seriously, if you're not healthy and you're suffering from harassment, you'd be supported quicker and a lot more efficiently. Bullies can come in all forms, no matter the category. Some first-level bullies can bully other first level individuals by being a 'know-it-all' and demean other people's intelligence. He can also be the aggressive attention-seeker. No matter the type, bullying can never be prevented, but it can be maintained. To know this, teachers and staff must be secretly well-aware of these student classifications and bully types to know and predict what type of bullying can be in effect. It's good to be one step ahead. We also have to consider the fact, because children and teenagers in school are surrounded by thousands of students, they're bound to meet people they love, like, hate, shy people, kind people, 'weird people,' and bullies. It should be expected and because it's common in life, we shouldn't take it too personally, but if it's distracting from education, SECRETLY tell authority, or if necessary, do what I said about standing up to different bully personalities. Bullying stops when standing up for yourself begins. Bullies target people they don’t give a damn about, so stand up to them, show the bullies you don’t give a damn about them and they don't hurt your feelings.

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