Atheism As a Term? 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Atheist Bullies and The Term 'Atheist.'

When on Yahoo! Answers, do you ever get tired of reading questions, answers, and responses from people that take 'special' labels like 'atheist' too seriously? I know this is cyberspace, but let's not get into that; I have a bigger and more important life off the computer screen, but after living that life, I like to chat with my contacts from all over the globe and sign onto this site to give advice and share my opinions. As a result, I have a chance to discuss topics I wouldn't normally discuss in person, such as society, psychology, politics, and religion. What can I say, I love controversial topics, even if they leave me crying and ready to die; they're like magnets to my brain.

From discussing religion, I know the majority are Christians, standard religion in America. However, a small majority of the atheists, people that don't believe in any gods or religion, constantly ask and answer questions in this category. Some are legit and ask questions for the purpose learning and answer questions to give advice, but many also come to bully the religious people. From experience alone, I learned the bullying atheists do not feel guilt because they feel the belief Christians are extremists that 'force their religion people' makes their behavior justifiable. Also consider that Christians are a majority, which also makes them not feel guilty for their behavior. If, say, atheists were the majority and less than 1% of the population were Christians, 'atheist' wouldn't even be a label, for atheism would be considered the 'normal' mindset.

Personally, I use the label atheist to note I don't believe in God or religions. Atheism is oftentimes associated with scientific intelligence, a positive trait in society. Therefore, in situations such as debating with someone you 'know' is delusional, you exhibit a superiority complex when asserting your intelligence, causing you to be insensitive toward the other subject. Mainly, this is what many online atheists do and I don't associate with them. In fact, some atheists are not intelligent and they hop on the bandwagon simply because being atheism 'is in.' In the process, they don't have their own beliefs, so they mooch off other intelligent atheists as if they were 'God' himself. Because atheism is perceived as an 'intelligent' belief system and somewhat rare, some people use it as an opportunity to become 'interesting,' which is, in my opinion, pathetic.

Also, when atheists take about Christians in such a superior demeanor, saying 'grow a tougher skin,' they're no better than the religious extremists they criticize, and, if they don't care, simply put, they're assholes. Newsflash, ignorance and extremism exists on BOTH sides. Also, people that take atheism so seriously make it seem like a religion, only it focuses more on worshipping science and intelligence rather than a god. Therefore, I don't like the concept of 'atheism.'

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