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'Nigga' 101

Yesterday, on the internet, I browsed sites such as YouTube to watch new videos from my subscriptions, and answered a few questions on Yahoo! Answers, when I noticed many people mention 'Blacks call each other "nigger."' Apparently, many non-Blacks, more specifically many Whites, are clueless amongst this instance. Blacks don't 'call each other nigger.' For more info, keep reading.

Blacks were brought to America as slaves. Since then, the common term for a slave was 'nιgger.' After slavery, the former slaves migrated to major cities all over the United States and because of their experience as slaves, they became great workers. Also, they were no longer considered 3/5 a person after the 3/5 Compromise. As time passed, work peacefully proceeded from the late 1800's to the early 1900's. During the time Blacks worked, they made it a priority to rise themselves as an established, positive race in America.

However, by racist Whites, many were called 'nιgger,' the same term used to refer to slaves, which were considered lesser people. Blacks took offense because it showed the racist Whites had no respect for them, and saw Blacks as inferior just like the slavery days. Also during the times Blacks worked, the Whites (as a majority,) out of fear Blacks would get more economic power in America, denied them different jobs and services, 'redlining' them, which was a common practice in the 1930's during The Great Depression. 'Redlining' means to mark a red line on a map of where services to particular people would not be met. As a result, Blacks didn't have much freedom and also less work. Blacks were also 'blockbusted,' which is a term used to denote the denial of supplying homes to particular groups of people. This of course kept various Black people in their communities, and because jobs were denied, money was scarce, so crime in Black communities increased, much like today. That's how ghettos were born.

Nonetheless, during the times of those ghettos, inhabitants didn't call each other 'nιgga.' Also, ghettos were very serious, which caused many Whites to move out those areas and construct their own investments. Afterwards, Whites began degrading Blacks with minstrel shows and such, calling them 'nιgger' and portraying them in a negative light. This continued until the Jim Crow days, in which the Blacks fought for equal rights. After succeeding, many poor Black residents used the term 'nιgger' to refer to themselves, usually negatively, such as, for example, during a personal argument, just as the White people called them. Since then, it's been 'acceptable' for Blacks to call themselves 'nιgger' because they weren't typically degrading themselves, as the Whites were. At this time, use of the word 'nιgger' amongst Blacks wasn't as popular. However, up until the birth of Rap music in the late 70's, 'nιgger' evolved into a positive term, attributing to friendship. Rap/Hip-Hop was used to protest against racist Whites and has since become a stable sub-culture in contemporary ghettos. Therefore, Hip-Hop has a large influence on why the word 'nιgger' is so common within poor Black communities today, along with past history. The reason many Blacks say 'nιgga' is because many don't pronounce their R's. Since the term 'nιgger' evolved, many definitions developed.

For example,

'Nιgger' (With the 'er.')

noun 1. (ethnic slur) Offensive name for a Black person. This term is nearly always offensive.


noun 1. A word referring to a friend. "That's my nιgga, John!" (That's my friend, John.)

2. A synonym for 'dude.' "Nιgga, what the hell are you doing?" (Dude, what the hell are you doing?.)

3. A word describing a male. "I'm a real nιgga!" (I'm a real man.) "There are too many nιggas in this club, where are the bitches?" (There are too many guys in this club, where are the girls?)

Therefore, nowadays, Blacks don't call each other 'nigger' as an offensive term, but rather as a synonym for 'dude,' 'guy,' or 'friend.' Even during an argument where a Black person shouts, 'Fuck you, nigga!,' during that instance, 'nigga' still means 'dude,' not 'nigger,' the offensive term. As for Blacks being offended, it depends on the person. While a mass majority may get offended by "nιgger," sometimes, Black people 'allow' their White friends to say 'nιgga,' though not often. Again, it depends on the person. 'Nigga' is also common among many poor Hispanic neighborhoods as well. In general, the reason why 'nιgger' is so offensive is because it shows the insulter has no respect and sees the Black person as inferior. 'Nιgga,' however, is used in positive instance amongst themselves. Understand now?

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