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The Systematic Birth of Racism

Fallacy on a political sign.

Taken from Wikipedia, racism is the belief that race is a primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. Many dictionaries also have a meaning very similar to the Wikipedia definition. However, mainly due to media reporting and political strategies, such as race baiting, the meaning of racism becomes immanent. As a result, some people may even assume Black History Month or affirmative action is racist.

Realistically, racism is born when people let their stereotypes and generalizations of individuals of another racial group cloud their ability to use logical thinking to determine the truth, people may develop negative feelings for people of (that) particular racial group(s) based on the stereotypes. For my explanation, let use a hardcore White, right-wing conservative individual named "Charles," as an example. He may note the murders in his area are mostly committed by Blacks and Hispanics. After checking the numbers and learning Whites commit murders, he'd compare the statistics and stereotype Blacks and Hispanics as criminals. Because many people fear, hate, or dislike criminals, his stereotyping may involve the individual as expressing negative emotion towards the entire race. The subject that drives the negativity can be much more than just crime.

For explanation in detail, stereotypical thinking is quite similar to the scientific method, for it usually begins with observation, the process of gathering information by use of the senses, particularly sight and hearing. The information gathered from observations is called "data." Stereotypers may use data to make inferences. An inference is a logical interpretation based on prior knowledge or experience. Charles, for example, is checking the crime statistics. Because he cannot survey every Black or Hispanic individual, he collects crime stat data from other locations.

If all the data is similar and higher than the crime committed by Whites in his/her own city, he may infer that all or most Blacks and Hispanics are a criminal race while Whites are not, which is by definition, a generalization. A generalization judges all or most individuals in a certain way without basing the judgement on facts, but rather personal experience, or possibly anecdotal evidence. When the generalization used is accepted by a significant amount of people and is used to "define" or describe a race entirely, the generalization becomes a *stereotype.* Charles, for example, may want to move to another neighbourhood because Blacks and Hispanics are "dangerous, criminal, and violent." The claim Blacks and Hispanics are "dangerous, criminal, and violent" are used to "define" Black and Hispanic people (inaccurately.)

The "definition" of the race finally leads to a negative feeling about the individuals of particular races, which can be considered *racism.* From there, many things can happen with Charles. He may move in an area with Whites and avoid non-Whites at all cost, become a White nationalist, develop some scientific theory that possibly explains why "Blacks and Hispanics are so criminal and why Whites are not" which may lead to White supremacy, become a neo-Nazi and possibly "exterminate" the Blacks and Hispanics like the past-Nazi's did with the Jews in the Holocaust, or merely sign onto the internet and ask trolling questions regarding non-Whites. The list goes on. Then, when Charles gets married to another person like him named "Sue," and they have children, they follow his train his train of thought, and more racism is born.

Other than generalisations, racism is oftentimes a result a bigoted narcissism. People with narcissistic personality disorder express elevated usually exaggerated self-esteem and pride. They also believe they have characteristics that render them superior to others people with a subjected "inferior" characteristic, such as a low income. They believe their "superior" characteristics justify treating "inferior" individuals with disrespect. Because they oftentimes view "inferior" people in the worst ways possible while viewing themselves in the best way, they lack empathy, especially for people they perceive as inferior. When people treat race as a single individual, and lump each member into a category and attribute a negative characteristic to each, the narcissistic racist may assume another race s inferior to his based on characteristics that could render individuals "inferior." For example, many people view contributions to society and inventions as a "superior" endeavour. A racist White person may argue many Whites in the past have contributed to society, whereas Blacks have done nothing. Therefore, in the eyes of a racist White individual, the Blacks are the inferior race. As a result, he feels obligated to insult Blacks in any form of fashion because he comes from a "better" race that contributed to society, which, in his mind, leaves the Black race that has done nothing up for judgement. Thus, racism is primarily formed as a result of stereotyping and bigoted narcissism.

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