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Why White Entertainment Television (WET) And White History Month Don't Exist!

You know what I hate? Getting accused of complaining to the 'White man' about my 'racial difficulties,' as if I have any. Although the instances aren't too aggravating, I hate how many YouTube videos generate racial debates, especially in my favorites . . . Hip-Hop and R&B videos, and even videos completely far from racial, such as informercials. Yes, seriously, on YouTube, even in videos regarding hair products and cleaning solutions, you read 'nigger this' and 'cracker that.' More specifically, in the music video location, I get one comment; 'why do Blacks have BET and we don't have WET?' Well, surprised at the number of people that ask this question and don't know the answer, hopefully, this entry would help people understand the basics of racial attractions.

After stepping down as a lobbyist for the cable industry, Philadelphian Robert L. Johnson decided to launch his own cable television network. Johnson would soon acquire a loan for $15,000, and earned a $500,000 investment from John Malone to start the network. With the fundings, Johnson needed a niche audience to build ratings, so he chose the African-American audience and named his channel Black Entertainment Television. Because Blacks never had their own cable network, Johnson thought of it as a rating builder. BET began broadcasting as a block on January 25, 1980.

By airing music videos and reruns of old Black sitcoms, Robert L. Johnson achieved his goal and attracted a large Black audience shortly after launching his new channel. However, in the case of why BET exists and why 'WET' doesn't, consider why Johnson founded BET, then compare and contrast. Contrary to common belief, BET wasn't 'given' to Blacks; a random Black guy (named 'Robert L. Johnson' as you should know) created a random television network. Feeling he'd receive low ratings, he targeted a Black audience, so he named the network 'Black Entertainment Television.' For White Entertainment Television to exist, a random White guy needs to create the network for his personal reason, just like Johnson. Yet, here is the problem. White people in America constitute over 70% of the population, and nearly every television network caters to a 'White' audience. Sure enough, people of other races watch the same channel, but are often overshadowed by the large percentage of White viewers. Targeting Blacks, which are 13% of the US population, is like targeting a needle in a haystack. Thus, 'White Entertainment Television' is completely unnecessary because 70% of the American population would have no trouble tuning into any channel, especially considering how the second highest percentage (14% of Hispanics,) is much lower than the compared White percentage. Therefore, ask yourselves, if Johnson created BET to personally attract a small Black audience for better television ratings, chances are, the random White guy would have no reason to create 'White Entertainment Television' targeting Whites because Whites are already, by far, the largest group in America.

The same also applies to 'Black History Month.' A random Black guy named Carter G. Woodson created Black History Month in 1926. After graduating from college, he devoted his time to studying African-American history. Personally, he felt the contributions of Blacks throughout history "were overlooked, ignored, and even suppressed by the writers of history textbooks and the teachers who use them." Therefore, he created 'Negro History Month' to spotlight Black accomplishments. He picked February because it marked the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass, two great influences on Blacks through history. Thus, if you constantly wonder why "Blacks have BHM and Whites don't have WHM," like BET and WET, note you need a random White guy to create the holiday for his personal reason. However, here's the problem. Carter G. Woodson created Black History Month because he felt authors of history textbooks at the time under-respresented African-American history before and during the 1920's. "White" history, which technically constitutes as a majority of history, was represented well. Therefore, that random White guy has no true reason for creating 'White History Month' because "White history" is, and was always, well-represented.

Also, if WET aired today, I think it wouldn't attract the 'right' audience. Oftentimes, racists preach about 'why do Blacks get BET, but we don't have WET . . .' etc., so I believe the network would appeal only to the racists that preached about it, rather than a majority of White people. I then can imagine the station completely taken over by racists, they show racist material, and people protest. Eventually, WET gets canceled and the former owners and supporters of the network piss and moan of 'political correctness,' whatever the hell that means. Also, it seems more people are offended more about the so-called 'double-standard' "Blacks have BET Whites don't have WET," rather than feeling left out. Technically, 'WET' is 'E! Network.' Opposite of BET, it has White majority celebrities, a White majority audience, and to top it off, add 'White' and 'Television' between the 'E,' and move the exclamation point to the end of 'Television.' (White Entertainment Television!) Heck to get even more technical, any network with a White majority audience is 'WET.' Some people may say that statement is predictable. Nonetheless, it's true. Better yet, for all the people complaining why 'WET' doesn't exist, you were wrong. WET existed for a long time! In fact, here's the link. The audience is White majority along with the cast, and shows and activities are as 'wet' as ever! Enjoy!

Click Here For WET!
^True 'WET' entertainment!

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