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This page is to all of the wonderful people I have met so far online. I dont hang out in chat rooms much so these are people I have met through e-mail:-)) some do not have a homepage but I will still list there names! If you have the time please visit their homepages!

~My Internet Friends~

Although you are a friend of mine
And letters we exchange
I would not know you on the street
And doesn't that seem strange?

You hold a place within my life
Unusual and unique
We share ideas and special dreams
And still we do not speak

I picture what I think you are
Perhaps you picture me?
An intriguing game for both of us
For someone we cannot see.

So for this friendship we possess
We owe this mail a debt
Perhaps the charm lies in the fact
That we have never met.

~Author Unknown~


Sue is one of my best buddy's on the internet! Her and I have such similiar taste in design that we really enjoy working on pages together. We share ideas and graphics and that's what makes us such good friends :-) Your a true gem Sue, thanks for all you have done for me :-). Love ya!

Click Here to get to know Sue!


Teri is my Cyber Mom here on the internet, she has a personality that would get the whole room laughing with her great sense of humor! She is such a caring and giving friend :-) Here on my desk sits a "beautiful" brass piano clock that she sent me...a gift that will always hold a special place in my heart! :-)

Jeneane has been a friend of mine for over 10 years now. She lives here in Michigan near me. We have some crazy memories together LOL. She is just like the sister I never had! :-))

Ally is a good friend that I met not too long ago online. She is from Hawaii. (so cool) lol. Her homepage is so pretty! She's really good at this HTML stuff!

Diana is another wonderful person that I have met online. She is open and caring and you can really see that through-out her pages.

I met Pamela through her homepage. I loved it so much that I gave her one of my awards and we just started talking here and there! Her homepage has such a beautiful theme...a must see!

April is a sweet kind person...she always sends somthing through email that will make ya laugh :-)

~E-mail friends~




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All that glitters is gold...a diamond ~ a girls best friend...but if you ask me what is most precious of all...I'd say "You", my wonderful friends! :-)