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Howard Stern Interview

As a side note: before Rose comes on, Corey Feldman is in the studio and the subject of Marilyn Manson comes up. Corey starts bad mouthing him; he complains that Marilyn made him look like a fool by doing interviews and writing in his book about how he came over his house and sang karaoke. Rose is then brought into the studio to get her take on the matter. This is where the interview begins.
Howard Stern: Corey as long as your here let Rose come in, maybe she can explain, maybe we can put this behind us. Rose McGowan of course, besides being Marilyn Mansons girlfriend has been in the movie Srceam and ,um, I'm anxious to meet her. I read some comments- oh yes very beautiful (Rose walks in the studio)
Robin Quivers: There she is!
HS: Sit down Rose, don't worry Corey won't attack you Corey Feldman: Yeah don't worry
HS: Rose! Very attractive!
Rose McGowan: I figured you'd talk about my breast anyway so I might as well wear a nice shirt
HS: Your breasts are very beautiful and I like that you show them off. I hate girls who don't show off their breasts
RM: I heard you getting mad at Tori Spelling the last time she was here
HS: Because she didn't wear a revealing out fit
RM: Exactly
HS: Exactly. Rose just settle this thing with Corey and then I'm gonna let...
RQ: Have you seen Corey in a while. Theres Corey
RM: Actually, I haven't seen Corey since um, since around the time his book came out
CF: Thats right
HS: Well yeah, I mean Corey's all upset thats why he won't ya know...
RQ: See you anymore
HS: Won't see you anymore. But Rose he doesn't blame you he..
CF: No, its not your fault, it's nothing personal
RM: That's what you think!
CF: Exactly see, see that's the thing though, ya know, when it's a relationship you never really know which side it comes from
HS: But Rose are you still goin out with Marilyn?
RM: Yeah, we live together
HS: Oh, you do live together
RM: We just got engaged
HS: Your engaged! Is that your engagement ring. Is that right! Are you here to make an announcement also
CF: Look at that. Look at that, two announcements in one day (claps)
RM: Did you guys just get engaged? (speaking to Corey & his girlfriend)
CF: Yeah, we did
RM: Oh, congratulations
CF: Thank you
RM: How scary, maybe we can have a double wedding (everyone laughs)
CF: Yeah, wouldn't that be scary!
(laughing & talking over each other)
RQ: You all can fight while your at the alter
RM: And I could do my karaoke at the wedding...
HS: But Rose, uh, shed some...Corey even said to me during the commercials he was so upset because he hung out with Marilyn, he met him at my movie premiere, Marilyn and him, uh, had some karaoke that night, I guess you were there, Rose
CF: No, no, actually what happened was we met at your movie premiere and then after that point we saw each other several more times and...
HS: Hung out
CF: Well, it was a kind of thing where like I' d be walking around and he'd be like (shouts) YO! Corey come here, come here
RM: My boyfriend doesn't say YO
HS: He doesn't say YO
CF: Alright he didn't say that
HS: Alright, ok, whatever
RM: That's an important...
CF: Does that matter?
RM: Yes
HS: Alright
RM: There's certain people that say YO, he's not one of them
CF: I understand (sarcastically) it hurts his image
RM: No it hurts me, it hurts me
HS: So you would not go out with anyone who says YO
RM: I would try to avoid that at all costs
HS: (clapping) Nice!
RM: Thank you
HS: I can respect that
RM: I have several rules, God Dammit!
HS: (laughs)
RQ: What if Marilyn all of a sudden started to say YO
CF: Would you break up with him
RM: I'd start calling him dude
HS: Dude, dude man...
RM: YO dude
HS: (laughs) So Corey go ahead
(talking over each other)
RM: There was a night when Corey was over at our old house and um, I was actually singing karaoke with Corey on one side and Leif Garret on the other and I had a moment, seriously, wondering what the hell had happened to my life. So I did look from side to side going (in a funny voice) what
CF: Now you say that, but I have a question for you when you say 'what the hell had happened to my life', what did that...
RM: I only mean it in a sense that I'm in this bizarre world in Hollywood and all of a sudden...
CF: Ok so it wasn't meant as an insult
RM: NO! I'm like...
CF: Ok, cause I was about to go off on you really hard (Howard laughs)
(talking over each other)
HS: No, your saying that it was surreal because your weren't a kid who grew up in Hollywood and all of a sudden your there with Leif Garret and Corey Feldman
RM: That what I'm saying, I'm turning side to side thinking I'm up in the Hollywood hills, ya know, it's kind of a bizarre situation to most people if their not from Hollywood or maybe even if they are...and seeing that it's also probably 5 in morning
(Corey mumbles something)
HS: Is that what you and Marilyn like to do though, do you like singing karaoke
RM: It's what I like to do
HS: Oh, thats what you like to do
RM: I have my own machine with two gold microphones
HS: And do you go down to the basement of your house and sing karaoke, is that it?
RM: Oh, no I take over the living room
HS: You take over the whole living room, and what do you like to sing on the karaoke
RM: Mainly, Patsy Cline
HS: Oh really, interesting. Topless? or whatever
CF: Yeah, there was alot of Patsy Cline going on
HS: Oh, there was...I don't know any Patsy Cline, what's Patsy Cline, like a country artist?
RQ: She's country western, yeah
RM: She's dead
HS: She's dead? Oh
CF: She's really boring as far as I'm concerned
RM: She's not boring, she has a great voice
CF: It's nothing you and I would ever listen to
HS: Please, I don't listen to anything, I prefer banging my head into the wall (laughs)
CF: It's one of those art deco kind of things
RQ: Art deco?
RM: How is she art deco?
RQ: What does that mean
CF: Pop culture
HS: Like, it's cool to like a country person
CF: Exactly, like that
HS: Alright, whatever
RM: Please
HS:Uh, you have a message for Marilyn, for Rose to take back?
CF: No, I have no message. The only point is, what happened was, we saw each other at a couple places, he gave me his number, he called me on New Years and said "I just want to call and say happy new year" I said "great"...
RQ: He never told you what was going to be in the book
CF: No, he never told me what was going to be in the book. He was very nice and I though, you know what, maybe it's all an act, maybe he's not such a weirdo, maybe he's a nice guy... so we became friendly with each other
RM: You can be weird and nice
CF: Yeah, Yeah exactly, like Michael Jackson (everyone laughs)
RM: Listen, your the one who's laid in bed with him! (more laughter) (for those of you who don't get that reference, Corey once admitted on Howard's show that when he was a kid he use to spend the night at Michael Jackson's house and would sometimes sleep in the same bed with him)
CF: Ah, lets not get nasty Rose, your in a league you can't even swing with
RM: Oh baby, you don't know me
HS: But Rose, has Marilyn said anything about Corey since the book writing thing...or it's just over?
RM: There's lots of people who just come in and out of our lives, ya know, lots of people travel, people disappear for six months, come back in... it's a fairly normal thing
CF: (sarcastically) But I'm sure that he doesn't go on a publicity campaign talking about them and using their name in a negative way
RM: I don't remember any of that
CF: (repeats sarcastically) I don't remember!
RM: I don't!
HS: So, it's fair to say it's all over, it's over between you and Marilyn
CF: Oh, definitely
HS: Alright, ok, listen...
RM: Well, I'm sorry
CF: Do you want to hear the rest of the story, or you don't want to hear it?
HS: What is the rest of the story? (Rose mumbles something) ..Rose doesn't want to hear it. Alright, so listen, the next time we get together we'll talk about it...Listen, Corey I want to thank you for coming in, because, uh, your new album is out. Corey has an album called The Truth Movement: Still Searching for Soul and you can check your local record stores or Corey
RM: It's one of those art deco things
HS: Oh, come on
RM: I'm sorry, sorry I get very protective of my boyfriend, probably more so...
CF: Ok, well she does the same thing, she's been yelling at people all day (referring to his girlfriend who was defending him earlier about something)
RM: See, that's the thing, thats the thing, if someone says something about you I bet she gets very... (Rose becomes distracted by the microphone) I don't like this big phallic thing in my face
HS: You have to have it there. Corey pull your pants back on, will you! (laughter)
CF: I'm sorry. I got a woman, one on each side of me, you know how it is (laughing & talking over each other)
RM: No, it's totally just about, this is the person I love and if someone (talking over each other)... and I honestly don't understand why
CF: I understand. Obviously it has nothing to do with you, you never said anything negative towards me or my fiancé
RM: I never knew that there was any bad blood, as far as I know, he thinks your still his friend, so I really don't know what your talking about
CF: Ok, let me explain to you
HS: Alright, go ahead explain
RM: Well, I know you don't what to be friends with him anymore, so thats the short cut
CF: What I want to know is this, why would he go and do an interview with Pulse magazine at Tower records..
RM: But nobody reads that anyway
CF: I read it, I read it
HS: Ok, what did he say in the interview
CF: He said that putting us together and doing karaoke was pop art to him
RM: It is pop art. Thats a complement!
HS: (laughs) Really
RQ: See, you just don't understand
HS: I don't know what it is
CF: (laughs) You think me calling Patsy Cline pop art or pop culture is not a complement?
(talking over each other)
HS: You know, that isn't so bad
CF: This isn't so bad?!!!
(talking over each other)
HS: Ya know what Corey objects to and I understand this, it's like Marilyn using Corey as his art rather than just being friends and like hanging out
CF: Yeah, you said he considered me a friend, well ok...
RM: I consider my friends entertainment and they consider me entertainment, besides being friends
CF: Ok, do you think I'm gonna go out nationally and say Marilyn Manson is uh, vulgar as looking at somebody's vomit on the floor
HS: Thats true
RM: Well, I know him and he would laugh, he'd take that as a complement

HS: (laughs) Thats true, he would, he would actually
RM: He would think that was funny. Any time I get offended by something someone says he laughs and isn't offended at all
HS: You know what Corey you just ought to go back to the house and go sing karaoke, just get it over with
CF: (laughs) yeah, right give him everything he wants. Maybe next time I can bring the E! crew (meaning the camera crew for Howard's television network, E!)
HS: I guess your Marilyns friend the way crackhead Bob is my friend (everyone laughs) he's my art, ya know what I mean (Crackhead Bob is regular guest on Howards show who talks funny & is kind of a freak)
CF: But you see, I don't need friends like that
HS: I got to admit, now I'm not going over to Marilyn's house, I don't want to be goofed on
CF: What's going to happen the next day is there's going to be a big picture of you goin (I presume he makes a funny face here)
HS: Yeah, (everyone laughs) What if I do karaoke and...
RM: Baby, as long as it's a good picture thats all that counts
HS: Your absolutely right. Alright Corey listen, we got to give Rose some time here because Rose is promoting a new movie called Jawbreaker from Tristar pictures, it's in the theaters this Friday and uh, I want to get to know her
(Howard says his good-bye's & Corey leaves the studio)
RM: Can I sit in the middle
HS: You want to sit in the middle, alright, move your chair and relax...You look hot, man!
RQ: But you need to be right on the microphone or we can't hear you
HS: Right Rose
RQ: I know, it doesn't feel very good
HS: So Rose, what happened, I read some article where you said you were fascinated with me. What does that mean? That means you want to sleep with me as far as I'm concerned
RM: No that means I'm your next stalker. No, um...
HS: What does it mean, that your fascinated by me?

RQ: Do you remember saying that?
RM: Maybe not in that exact sentence
HS: Yeah, I don't know exactly what you said. What was your point of view on me?
RM: I've been a huge fan for several years
HS: Thank you
RM: And have even looked like a total goof on your behalf, I've gotten in many arguments on your behalf, not that I'm asking for any thanks
HS: No, no absolutely not. No, I kind of dig that
RM: Ya know those little radio things that cost like 10 dollars from radio shack and they still try to sell you the stupid, like, warranty, well anyway, I bought one of those things ya know because I have to go out to breakfast or go to some meeting in the morning or something and I don't want to miss the news, God forbid (the news is a segment on Howards s how ,in case you thought she was talking about some other news)
HS: Right
RM: So I carry it with me and like I'm sitting in a corner at a table by myself laughing so basically I'm looking like a huge nerd, but that's alright
HS: So, could I have banged you at one point in your life? probably?
RM: I was telling Gary (Howards producer) cause he asked me a similar question, that all of my ex- boyfriends have been Jewish (Howard is also Jewish) so maybe
HS: Right hmm, well there you go. I figure, sometimes you confuse respect for someone with love and maybe you would of just had sex with me
RM: Maybe. Well, not me, but maybe you confuse...
HS: Oh well, alright, whatever...So I guess you would not
RM: No, your a handsome fellow
HS: Oh really. thank you
RM: Your tall, you have a strong face. I like tall men with strong faces
HS: Oh thank you. That's a very nice complement
HS: By the way, you have a strong face as well, very beautiful
RM: (laughs)
HS: Alright, so this is a shock to me, your engaged to Marilyn Manson, when did that happen
RM: Friday night
RQ: Ok, so it's recent, ok
RM: You guys have the scoop
HS: Did he asks you or was it kind of like, hey I like you-you like me, let's get married
RQ: Was it very traditional, I can't imagine that
HS: Hey, why get married? you guys are pretty none traditional people, why get married?
RM: Because I think to a certain extent you have to enter an institution before you can corrupt it.
HS: No, come on, be serious
RM: Um, I don't know, we're really weird, we have like a part of us that's really traditional and another part of us thats...

HS: But what are you getting married for? Really, I mean the two of you...
RQ: (speaking to Howard) This is a question you have been asking alot lately
HS: Yeah, I mean, I don't understand the concept of marriage
RM: Are you having some issues
HS: No, not at all, but I don't understand like why you have to get married, ya know what I mean. I know I'm married
RQ: It's kind of strange for you to have all of these issue's
HS: Well' I guess it does, but I'm saying, why get married- why can't you just be together
RQ: Why did you do it
HS: I was a kid, I don't know what I'm doin'
RQ: She's a kid
HS: How old are you
RM: I'm 23
HS: Oh, ok, alright I get it...sorry, I thought maybe you were older

RM: Shoosh, listen, I think of it as maybe the highest complement you can give to somebody else
HS: Right, well
RM: And to be honest, I really do think...I mean I certainly understand, I find it strange..
HS: Do you have a traditional relationship with Marilyn, I mean, are you really like, what do you call it
RQ: Monogamous
HS: Monogamous
RM: Yeah
HS: You are? Marilyn can't have sex with other woman in the whole rest of his life, your gonna tell me that's gonna happen
RM: I think you should phrase it as more, I wouldn't have sex with other men in the whole rest of my life, I'm always much more the person to worry about
HS: Well, what about him, I mean the guys a rockstar, can get anybody he wants kind of thing
RM: But I'm perfect (laughs)
HS: Well, yeah that is true
RM: I'm very humble
HS: Right, how long you guys been goin' out, now that your engaged
RM: A year an a half
HS: A year an a half, and you think your ready
RM: Yeah
RQ: Well, Marilyn, when he was in here told us he's not seeing anybody else, he's was really , uh, smitten
HS: You must be quite the gal
RM: (whispers) I'm quite the gal
RQ: So how did he propose, I've got to know
RM: I was in the bath tub
HS: Nice!
RM: And, uh...
HS: You must be some piece of ass if he's marring you (laughter) you must really put out, Jesus do every thing with him?
RM: As in what
HS: As in sexually
RS: Shoosh
HS: Open up every orifice? (farting sound effects are played)
RM: I have a big bag of shoosh just for you (laughs)
HS: Really, is that so, uh...are we too uptight to talk about sex
RM: No, I'm one of those people who's a big fan of doing all sorts of things, just not speaking of it, I still call it the nether regions
HS: I see, so you are into the nether regions, you just don't, uh
RM: discuss it
HS: discuss it. Alright, so I would say she's into anal sex
RQ: Oh, is that right, is that the nether regions?
RM: No, no, definitely not, actually
HS: Really, Marilyn doesn't take you that way? I can't believe it
RM: No, no and there's one real big reason why and you just made the sound (referring to farting sound effects being played in the background)...Ah, No
HS: Really, you've never tried it
RM: Ummm....
HS: Alright, so you tried it and you didn't like it
RM: Uh..(laughs)
HS: I can't believe Marilyn...I can't believe Marilyn doesn't want to try that, cuz he's so into he a good lover?
RQ: Maybe he's tried it and didn't like it
RM: Yeah
HS: He is a good lover? Maybe he's not that good in bed... I picture him as being pretty big in the pants, cuz the first time I met Marilyn was years ago even before he got famous...
RQ: Right, I remember that , in fact he came to a birthday party of yours along time ago
HS: Yeah and he was wearing a leather jock strap and it looked like he had it pretty well filled out
RM: He's alright, yeah, ya know how it is with tall thin guys, right Howard
HS: Not this tall thin guy
RQ: Yeah, he does know (laughs)
RM: Listen, I figured out that your just lying and your making it so your listeners don't get intimidated by your largess (laughs)
HS: Well, let me tell you something, you'd be wrong
RM: Listen, I've worked on this theory for a while
HS: Your theories are wrong
RQ: I agree with you Rose, I don't believe him for a second

HS: Is Marilyn the biggest you ever had
RM: Of course, what am I going to say
HS: No, you have to be honest, is he the biggest you've ever had (rose is silent)...It's a no, you said he's just alright
RQ: When did she say that, stop putting words in her mouth
RM: (defensively) I didn't say alright!
HS: You said his size was alright
RM: I did not say that!
RQ: No, you didn't
RM: No, I said he does alright in that department.
HS: Right, so he does alright, but he's not the biggest you've ever had
RM: He's very well sized
HS: He is. And so how did he...
RM: I had one Jewish boyfriend though, that was a freak of nature
HS: He was big
RM: Yeah, too big
HS: Ok, so how did he propose to you...your in the bath tub
RM: Well yeah, I was trying to sleep, I was really tired and he was trying to make me get up and I didn't want to go and uh, so he asked if he ran a bath for me would I go and I was like fine, whatever
HS: So Marilyn ran the bath for you
RM: lit candles, yada yada yada and I...
HS: Really!
RQ: Oh, how romantic he is!
HS: Mister romance!
RM: He is actually, he is
RQ: A little sweetie pie, our Marilyn! (laughs)
HS: Believe me , that'll wear off...go ahead, yes, so he lit a bunch of candles
RM: And ya know, I'm in there just scrubbing away or whatever and ya know I turn around and there he is
RQ: and what, he's naked?
HS: Was he nude when he asked you to marry him
RM: No, but he was shortly there after
HS: Really and he said to you, here's the bath and honey I love you so much...
RQ: Then did he give you a ring

HS: Did he say he loved you
RM: He just said "will you marry me"
HS: That was it?
RQ: No ring? Yeah, you got a ring
HS: Oh, look at the size of that rock!
RM: It's from the 30's, I like it
HS: Your damm right, from the 30 million dollar range (laughter)...and then did you have sex, wild sex in the tub to celebrate your nuptials
RM: Yes
HS: You did
RM: Yes
RQ: Was that good
RM: More water sounds please, thank you (sound effects of water flowing is played)
HS: Really. I can't believe he's settling down
RM: Why is it called settling down, that's such a load of crap
HS: It means not having sex with anybody
RM: listen... HS: What are you 21 years old, 23? Your never gonna have sex with anybody again?
RM: Listen, I'm the only person...
HS: Your dreaming
RM: We're as weird...we light ferbies on fire, I mean, he's found...we're kind of like partners in crime, I'll put it that way
HS: Yeah, ok, whatever
RM: Listen
HS: We'll see
RQ: He's found a girl who understands him
RM: Thats a big thing
RQ: She's out there and he doesn't find to many people like that
HS: We'll see, I give the marriage two years, no offense, two years
RM: Two years
HS: And you'll be out their doing something
RM: Fine you can vote on him for the death pool too, but we'll win
HS: Alright, very good, listen don't take offense I'm just telling ya, I know you Hollywood kids
RQ: See, I think this one will last, I like this couple
RM: I guarantee you, we will be Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward
HS: Well, you had a weird upbringing, maybe this will be good for you, maybe a little stability in you life
RM: I've lived on my own since I was fifteen, so yeah, he's actually alot more stable
HS: You grew up in that cult, I read
RM: Yeah
RQ: What cult, what is it called
RM: The Children of God , River Phoenix...
HS: That's the one were when your twelve years old you start having sex for the cult, right? Because your body...the guy who started it was like Moe Guinsberg or something, I don't know what his name was
RM: Guy Davidberg
HS: Davidberg, and he decided that, hey, if your twelve, your already getting you period so God must want you to have sex
RM: Yeah, well actually, luckily because of my father running the Italian chapter we were kind of protected, but alot of the kids, even River actually say that he had sex when he was four
HS: When he was four, wow
RM: But you know it's always really interesting, and when I was four I remember thinking that these people are promoting some really bizarre screwed up Christian values, I mainly remember like being forced to go to hospitals and like sing on my banjo to sick and dying kids for photo opts, which is like if I were a sick and dying kid the last thing I want is (makes a screeching noise) Killing me, killing me softly
HS: Right, right, right
RM: And ya know, singing for money on the streets
HS: So you never had sex when you were twelve, the cult didn't force you to
RQ: Your parents protected you?
RM: No, I waited till I was 14
HS: You did, and wasn't your job to go out and recruit other people into the cult by having sex with them
RM: No that was the women, they called it flirty fishing, isn't that creepy
HS: The whole thing is creepy
RM: Yeah, I know, I hear ya
RQ: Where are these people?
RM: Well, my mother works for Microsoft (laughs) one could say that's a cult
HS: Oh really, are you friends with your parents
RQ:I have no respect for them, cuz their in a cult, your like, what's wrong with you
RM: But their not really...their not like that anymore, I mean, certainly it was a different time, ya know 70's, whatever, but I have a hard time, I don't like being around other people, I don't like being forced into situations were I have to be around alot of people, so having to live with alot of stupid people, especially people that didn't shave their armpits or their legs would really vex me terribly
HS: Yeah, it's disgusting
RM: I have a deep aversion to hippies
HS: Is it like a commune thing
RM: Um yeah. Lots of hairy legs, I remember like walking down the street and we'd pick up snails and boil them and that would be like lunch (Howard & Robin make sounds of disgust)...that's what I'm saying
HS: And what was with your parents, what were they thinking putting you in that dangerous situation
RM: Obviously, kids were a little down on the list
HS: Right
RM: So they had six kids to make up for that (laughs)
HS: So are you in psycho have six...
RM: They had six kids to make up for that whole thing
HS: Did you go into therapy to try and straighten your head out
RM: Oh yeah