Tasuki is the cool, potty mouth, fanged leader of the bandits, and cute Suzaku seishi, on the awsome show Fushigi Yuugi. Tasuki is just too cool for words. He has the most awsome peronality, and great looks (awsome fangs hehehhee). But beside that, he is so courageous. He has such a good heart, even thought it got set on his best friend's girl (damn why does everyone like Miaka, I don't understand why). But of course being the great friend that he is he doesn't try to steal her away. Except for that one time (**spoiler**) when he was under that chichiri's best friends spell and well he tryed to do more than just steal Miaka away. But it was only because he was under a spell, and even though he was under the spell he decided to burn himself than betray his friend (thank God Mitsukake actually came on time for once and saved him before he died) (**end of spoiler**). That just shows how loyal and heroic he is. Like I said he is just to cool for words.
And as all the people who've seen the series know he has a really awsome power that comes in handy for frying the bad guys to heating Nuriko in the cold or toasting up a nice dinner. If you don't know or haven't figured it out, Tasuki can control fire. He does that by using a teson (don't know if spelled right, but it's this fan sorta thing) that was passed down to him from his old bandit leader.
Well, take a look at the pictures below to see what I mean about how cool he is.
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Fushigi Yuugi Archive Has tones of screen caps from all 52 episodes.
Animecity Gallery Has tones of picture from just about every anime show.
Wo Ai Fushigi Yuugi A very cool page that has a lot of pictures that aren't anywhere else.
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Copyright: 1999, The great Watase Yuu and the other
creators of Fushigi Yuugi.
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for the enjoyment of the fans of Fushigi Yuugi, I'm not taking
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